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Question about purchasing a game

A topic by Hooldrafolk created 54 days ago Views: 117 Replies: 6
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Hello everyone. To update my game, I usually delete the existing files from edit game and load the new ones.

So, if a person buys my game, is he only entitled to the version that I deleted, or having purchased he can always download the latest version?


Purchases are project based, not file based. If I give you money, I own access to your project, even if you later set a minimum price. It is the same with a sale. If you have a paid game with 20 $ price and make a sale for 2 $, the people that paid 2 $ still have access, if the sale is over.

If you want file based selling for an ongoin development project you should rethink your approach. What you sell is an early access game in beta or probabla alpha or pre-alpha stage. People excpect updates and the finished product when they buy.

Itch should add some ongoing support possibility, instead of driving people to subscribestar or patreon and all the other less known platforms that can do that.

Unfortunately, itch has something called individually priced files. It creates a lot of confusion and harm. It is not as the name says individually priced files, but a donation level. A level you cannot increase! You can set this level to give access to files based on that level. But as long as itch does not fix this feature, it should not be used. People cannot increase their level. They would have to buy again.

People abuse this feature to appear in free games, but still have a sale price. They should just make two projects, one free, one paid. Or include a public version as a demo in their paid game.


What I would like is that the users who bought my game these days, even if it was a free offer, can freely obtain the game even when I put it at €5 (for example) without the free offer anymore.

I think it's right because they contributed even if they didn't have to.

Furthermore, thanks to your answer I understood that I can freely update the files by deleting them and uploading the new ones without problems. Thank you.


I'm pretty sure anyone who downloaded your game will have access, even if they didn't donate. Also, if there is an issue then you could generate download keys for anyone who should have access (found in the Distribute tab)

Ah, god this is a problem. So if I put my game at 5€ even who downloaded free without even donating can download it? I admit it, this is so complicated to understand. Or maybe I'm dumb.

What I would like is that the users who bought my game these days, even if it was a free offer, can freely obtain the game even when I put it at €5 (for example)

That is how it works.

They have to actually pay you, not merely download it for free. Downloaded for free games do not appear here

Thanks now I've understand!

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