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A member registered Oct 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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I know godot, but do not have a strong technical background.  I need better planning and structure.  I would love to team up

I’d love to help.  You can reach out to me on most social media under NastyDrac 

I LOVE it!  The minigame to rally troops is awesome.  I'd love to see more!

thanks! I appreciate it. Smaller collision box isn’t a a bad idea. 

that is not what happened for me. I’ll check again

I have corrected the upgrade bug.  I'd love it if you would give it another go.

Hi, I finally figured out the bug.  It works correctly now.  I'd love for you to try it again.

Hi, it took a lot of research, but i finally fixed the problem.  I'd love for you to try it again.

I’m working on a noir-mystery point and click.  The main points are that everyone is a woodland creature and there are no dialogue options; you must type in the topics you wish to discuss. 

And a platformer/metroidvania, the PC had throwable weapons (I.e. Thors hammer or Kratos’s axe) that returns to them. I want the return impact to be enough to move the character for fun platform challenges. 

My discord account is NastyDrac#6268  

I’ve been working with godot for a few months. Looking to get a team going to make a larger project. 

thanks. That’s the consensus so far. I’ll definitely shrink the map down. 

thanks. It probably isn’t clear, but the flashlight become “unreliable” at low percentage. It flickers in and out.  It does eventually burn out completely. 

Thanks!  I couldn’t decide if you should be able to see the remaining battery.  Perhaps, I’ll turn it on for easy and medium. 

I think I agree about the map size.  I appreciate the feedback!

I’ve been learning game dev on godot for about 2 months now. I would like to work on a larger project, but I’ll need an artist to work with and brainstorm. There’s no pay, but you will obviously be credited on anything we work on. 

Oh it’s definitely hard. Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it!

no items are allowed to pass. Any suggestions on how to clarify in game?

🤯. Amazing 

I’m not seeing the theme. I might be missing something.