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Thanks for the review!! I agree that it looks really grey and empty but I guess it kinda symbolizes the main character losing all it's memories and being empty. Maybe as it regains it's memories later on more color could be added.

Really fun game, I really liked the background music and the art. I kept getting stuck on the corners of the floor though xD It does get boring after a while though I guess the boss should start firing more bullets but the gameplay is pretty nice! Good work! 

Very fun game! I love the minigames and had a lot of fun playing them. The music is great too. Great Work!

I had a lot of fun playing this, the top down 3d feels really nice! Great work!

Thanks for playing! Sure you can dm me on discord about the elevator bug, my username is

Yep I should've put that in a tutorial but I ran out of time. But thanks for trying out the game though, hope you had fun!

Thanks a lot for trying out the game and commenting :)

Interesting idea, I think it would have been better if you had to press the key that you are fighting against to beat it. Other than that it's a fun game!

I love the idea and aesthetics, I think if the map were to be procedurally generated and have multiple exit points it'd be a lot more interesting. Nice work!

Hmm I think the idea is quite interesting but imo it'd be really interesting if made multiplayer. Kind of like the board game Tsuro where you can place tiles that'd affect you and the others as well. Also I guess the game should not let players softlock themselves. Other than that it's a good game considering the time constraints! Nice work!

Really fun game! I love the sound and the models for the rocket modules. The only problems I faced were the parts not snapping properly and there was a bug where you could drag the rocket by mistake to the top and it'd immediately die and you'd lose your rocket. Other than that it's a great game!

Thanks for the detailed feedback, really appreciate it! We could only manage to make 3 levels so we didn't put checkpoints and had to make the levels harder such that they could only be passed after a few tries. But once again thanks for playing!

I like the sfx but the controls are a bit wonky (maybe its just me). A tutorial might have helped a bit on the grapling mechanics but other than that really fun game!

Fun game! I like the art. A tutorial would have been nice because it was kinda overwhelming at the start but other than that its a great game!

I love the minigames esp the mouse one and the sfx are neat! Great game!

Nice game! I love the idea of using code for the ui, very innovative. The sound design was great. I wish there were more levels and an online leaderboard but other than that really good game.

I really suck at games like these but the game was really nice! I honestly like the name Iguana's Escape more than Escape for Survival. Anyway, good game!

I know right, the first time I heard an Eleven labs voice I couldn't believe it myself but still voice actors are way better (for now). I wanted to add more dialogue to tell the story in a better way but ran out of time and just managed to make one in the last hour 💀. Thanks for the review though! 

Haha that would have been a nice easter egg

love the dialogues, but yeah it would have been more fun with tasks you had to complete on each floor before you could leave (i wish there was a way to jump off the building to escape quicker /s) but anyhow it's good game for your first game jam!

Good game! I really like the CRT aesthetic though. Gameplay loop is simple but addicting, nice work!

Love the art and music, the prologue was pretty neat and gameplay wise its simple but fun and addicting! Great game!

I love the concept although I think it'd be better to have an AI place the towers along with the players, but other than that it's a cool game! 

damn, very spooky indeed. the art for the monsters and the sound are creepy (in a good way).  love the game!

Thanks for the feedback! I wish that were my voice :P it's actually AI generated by Eleven Labs. About the checkpoints, I managed to make only 3 levels so I removed checkpoints otherwise it'd be over in 5 minutes. Thanks once again! 

Ah I didn't manage to check the audio levels did I, oops 💀. The controls work as intended, you unlock each ability as you progress through the levels, I was going to put it in a tutorial but I ran out of time :( But thanks for the review though! 

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate your point about the player FOV—it's something I overlooked during development. I'll definitely consider adjusting it to make the game more enjoyable. And I'm glad you enjoyed the toggle switch for abilities! Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Yeah I planned to have checkpoints as I was planning to make at least 7 levels but I ran out of time and only made 3, so I remove checkpoints otherwise it'd be too easy.

Damn this game is pretty awesome, love the art and the shot mechanic is pretty nostalgic! Nice game!