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Second issue, sorry for bothering you! As you see in the screenshots the descriptions of the various replay are not fine, even if I change colour, I want to try maybe an outline but I don't know how to do it, can you help me?

In the game I have all the writes outlined with this in the main script:

define gui.dialogue_text_outlines = [ (1.5, "#000000a8", 0, 0) ]

define gui.name_text_outlines = [ (1.5, "#000000a8", 0, 0) ]

But with the description of these replays I dunno how to do it.

edit the gallery.rpy file and find this section

        for i in range(start, end + 1):
                spacing maxthumbx - 20
                xalign 0.5
                yalign 0.1
                text gallery_items[i].name # we will be editing this line 

and make this change

                text gallery_items[i].name # we will be editing this line: # add a colon
                    outlines [ (1, "#e9ec09", 0, 0) ] # adjust the outlines as required

whoops, I don't have the gallery.rpy. I have only replay and replay_setup because I need only replay. So I need to put everything inside even if I only use replay?

sorry I thought that was the gallery 

in the replay.rpy file find this section

        for i in range(start, end + 1):
            if renpy.seen_label(Replay_items[i].replay):
                    spacing maxthumbx - 20
                    xalign 0.5
                    yalign 0.1
                    text Replay_items[i].name # make the same changes as before but to this line add the colon and the outline command below it

Ok found it, works like a charm! Now I have the only issue with roles