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... and you did that a week ago and no reply yet?

I guess this happens often enough, that staff knows what to do on itch and paypal side. But it also is not a thing that will be solved in minutes. And no one reading here, will be able to help you.

At least not directly. Maybe someone can share experience with a similar or the same issue.

Nope i did it today

Admin (3 edits)

Where did you get “a week ago” from? Please avoid posting misinformation in our support forums, as it can often create more conflict and work for our staff.

And no one reading here, will be able to help you.

Even this claim is a stretch. I know you often want to make your own cases seen more, but please stop posting exaggerated claims about how our staff functions. I hope that your intent is to help, but posting claims like this does not help.


Hmm. I am not sure what of misinformation I was spreading. 

Rule number one of this section has this "When you post here you are asking the community to help you, this is not a direct line of communication to site admins".

And I tried to reassure OP that staff knows how to react in such situations and that the ticket is probably not overdue, therefore I provocativly asked, if it is a week old.

As for "my own cases", I do not need to exagarrate anything, you do know better than me, how many accounts are hacked each week. I only see the ones used to upload new malware. But I do be somewhat frustrated that you do not better the situation in the instances where you would have information to prevent the hacking. Current example is R-88676, that is 4-5 days old now. And there are three more, the youngest "only" 18 hours old. I apologize for venting in my reports, but it is like talking to a wall: very often nothing happens. I like itch and a general problem like this has the potential to either make the platform slowly fail, make it do strange flag changes like gamejolt or twitter or, more likely: it prevents it from becoming great. In other words, I do not want itch to be known as that platform where you get malware. My collection of shame has over 400 entries :-(

Admin (2 edits)

Hmm. I am not sure what of misinformation I was spreading.

  1. “and you did that a week ago and no reply yet?” You made an unsubstantiated claim about this person’s request
  2. “And no one reading here, will be able to help you.” I saw this thread and helped them
  3. “I apologize for venting in my reports, but it is like talking to a wall: very often nothing happens” We’ve suspended a very large number of accounts, including a large number of ones you have reported.

In other words, I do not want itch to be known as that platform where you get malware

You are literally posting this message, including a thread titled: “Itch is not a safe place. Do not download things.”

I appreciate your efforts with reporting, it has definitely helped our system. I believe you genuinely are trying to help the platform.

The reality of the situation is that we are an open hosting platform, with over a million project pages. I think it’s really sad that people try to exploit the services we provide, but there are always going to be bad actors exploiting the system. Although we make systems to detect as much as we can and actively monitor pages, at this scale there unfortunately will be pages that go undiscovered for some time. As long as itchio provides the service it does in the way it does, it’s unlikely there we be a scenario where there are 0 undiscovered bad actors at any given time. From our perspective, it’s threat mitigation at scale. We can always do more to catch bad actors, but I think it’s important to understand what a single page represents in the context of the entire platform.

I’m pretty sure you go to the “Newest” page on certain tags and go through every single thing there. I hope you recognize that this use-case of our platform is not the common case, and is in fact very rare. The vast majority of users do no interact with those pages.

I hope that explains gives you some more insight

I believe there is a translation misunderstanding. What I wrote was a question. And not a claim plus a question. If this is not so in English, I would be interested how to phrase that unambigously in English. The leading ...and should have indicated that I was searching for a reason why this thread had been opened. For example, because the request stayed unanswered for days.

And I continued trying to reassure OP that itch staff would know what to do and that it would take more than minutes. Because that was my impression, that the post and the request were made on the same day, which turned out to be true.

As for you reading here, the communty rules verbatim predict otherwise.

3. I know. See request (208429) for more.

There is no contradiction with that warning thread. I want itch to not be known for malware, so I try to do things that lessen this. Because as time goes on, people will get hacked and tell other people about it. I did not even know itch existed two years ago. There are bound to be people hearing for the first time ever about itch, from friends that tell they got hacked.

Seeing months old malware and the focus of the discord psa on direct marketing kinda triggered it. So I made one focusing on indirect marketing. Every little bit might help. I have literally seen malware here impersonating the real creator that was also hosted on itch, but was delisted. Or cases where you could search for the malware name and find both, the original and the fake. It is not only people that browse recent that are in danger. 

But let us not hijack this thread any more.