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I liked it a lot! I didn't quite understand what the green bar at the right was until suddenly a bunch of acid got to me and I died at 880 lol.

As with other comments, maybe a way of seeing the acid a bit more would be cool. Maybe you could make it so that if the acid is on screen it gets a lot slower (using camera bounds maybe)? I think that often times it is enough to see the acid so that a player will get spooked and make a mistake, especially if the acid is already fast so they're seeing it constantly.

Great entry, I hope you continue to expand on it.

Keep up the good work!


Thanks a lot for the feedback and the kind words, I completely agree with you and the other comments, the acid pool wasnt managed the best way, i focused too much with the other mechanics and left the balancing of the acid to the end of the jam where i didnt had enough time, im going to try to fix it as soon as i can, again thanks a lot