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A member registered Nov 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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I like the background the mechanic, I enjoyed it, its a bit too quiet and it would benefit from having some type of music tho

Yeah you did a great job, dont feel bad for the bugs, instead feel proud of everything you manage to do in just 3 days, its no small feat

Well done, great atmosphere and addicting gameplay, i only had one problem and its that the obstacle that you have to jump, i always get stuck there and my jumps dont pass it, maybe i suck at it and that the problem so no worries haha

I loved the graphics, I would like another fonts other than the default, but its a minor thing, the menu felt a bit buggy for me but i reseted the game and it was fixed, overall great game

The theme isnt there but thats okey, features i think the game need, a fullscreen button and i dont think that enemies should have Iframes after hitting them, also if i know that you know about the bugs but i found one that if you spam click the begin wave button you can spawn like 10 waves at one time, you have a good base here for a cool game, keep the good work, and dont feel bad for the bugs, this is your first game in itchio if im correct and you made something that can become good with more time, 3 days is too short of a time for most games

Overall i liked it, i think is a bit to hard and the hitboxes are huge, but the art look great and i love the character animation

Cool idea i love it, i would like to se more than one level tho, congrats on the idea and the entry

I like that you made a mini story and intro, the gameplay feels waaay to floaty and it feels like you are skating in ice making it hard to control, but i like the charm of the game and the idea

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I like the theme and the idea, the hitboxes are way 2 big tho

Amazing art and idea, the controls felt smooth and really polished, the only issue i see is the lack of a leaderboard but other than that an amazing game congrats

Love the art and the vibes of the game

I love the art and the feel of the game, good job

Cool idea but it looks like you ran out of time before implementing the rest of the game, with the strict time constraint it was good enough congrats

Cute simple idea, a bit too simple but for the time limit and everything is nice

Nice a cute game, the hitboxes feel a bit to big but overall great game 

I cant really play it, i feel like i cant pass the grey box, even if i jump over it i lose , also i have a resolution bug here is an image

Great idea for the game, the only issue i have is that the draggin parts feels a bit buggy, but overall i think its amazing that you pulled of this in 3 days congrats

At first i had a hard time grasping what was going on but as soon as I saw the tutorial i got it, its a bit to chaotic but if you focuse on one chicken at a time you can get real far, great entry

I liked the game but its a bit hard calculating where the dash is gonna leave you and sometimes you spawn right on the spikes and it feels a bit unfair, but overall great entry

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I agree with Alimen, but i would also want to add that at least in my monitor the resolution of the game was bugged, here is a screenshot

I have a 4k monitor

I love that you made this game with your daughter, this game is full of charm and i was smiling most of the game, love the cute art and characters, great work

Thanks a lot for the feedback and the kind words, I completely agree with you and the other comments, the acid pool wasnt managed the best way, i focused too much with the other mechanics and left the balancing of the acid to the end of the jam where i didnt had enough time, im going to try to fix it as soon as i can, again thanks a lot

That's actually hard!

I had downwell in mind while i made it yes, thanks for the kind words

I totally agree with you and the comments, I was having a hard time finding a balanced way to do that, so thats the first thing im fixing as soon as the jam ends, thanks 

I really liked it overall, its pretty impresive to make all of that in 72 hours

Yeah i was trying to balance it but was only able to make a simple system where the higher you were the faster was the acid

Yeah i know but you look constantly the image, but thats my only issue, the mechanics of the game and all they were really good and i enjoyed the gameplay, i understand the time issues so i didnt had it in mind rating the game, overall great job

I like how it is a rhytm game and all, the sprites are really good, I think the game idea is kind of gross but to each their own im not gonna judge that, overall great game congrats

I like the concept of the game, its really hard and the movement bugs when you collide but i get it because of the time limits, i just wanna say im not a big fan of using AI to make game art, not just because of the ethics of it but because it looks kind of bad, the whole game is presented inside of a big midjourney screen and i thinks it really affects the aesthetics of it all

I like the economy of the game and how is done, but i feel that the controls lack a bit of responsiveness, but overall a solid game conngrats!

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I had the same probem as Chris at the beginning but i managed to understand it, i feel that the game has a lack of communicating what its trying to do

Love the graphics and i understand what you did with the controls being always the keys E.S.C.A.P.E But i felt it to be more of a pain to be watching the left all the time to see my controls instead of being more of a muscle reflex, overall great aesthetics and desing tho

Love the graphics and presentation, but playing i found myself dying without hitting anything and felt a bit frustrating, also the menu buttons are not really responsive and didnt always worked, but overall a cool looking experience

It really feels like it, it reminded me of when i used to play wario ware on the wii, congrats on the great entry

I love the retro aesthetics and sounds, the gameplay is a bit to simple and easy at start, but overall great entry congrats

Add brakes pls

Love the animations

Really good game, the best one so far :)

Lovely art!