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I'm pretty much going to second Cone of Negative Energy - except for one detail. I don't know how far we can nest things, but I think the distinction between Role Playing Game and RPG Supplement is very blurry _and_ also repeated in other areas, for example you might have a Board Game and a Board Game Extension or a Board Game Variant.

I think it'd be better to have a hierarchy or tags:

So, top level: Role Playing Game (this is the type of game).

Second level: Rule Book, Supplement, Adventure Module, Setting, etc.


a good point;  for sure. could have the category just say RPG and then throw the supplement, core, etc into the tags

Or Tabletop RPG - or would LARP and such also fit in same category?

I don't normally see LARPs considered a type of RPG, but I'm sure others would disagree, and also some games can be played either as a tabletop or as a LARP.