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A member registered Sep 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Ah ... they'll probably do a round of reprints soon enough. I don't control that so I recommend asking directly to EF.

Probably! Is it out of print?

Mmmm ... I _think_ the freebies page includes the GM screen as a wallpaper. But it's a good point - I'll see about making it available!

I really love the functional referee toolkit, and the layout of the module itself is amazing. Really well done!

Thank you for reminding me of the artist's name! It had slipped my mind ^^

Thank you, and may I complement you on the very tasteful avatar.  ^_^

Thank you, Marzipan Unit 230! Your simpathy is acknowledged!

Awww, thank you snerfmonster!

Mmm. I see. I'll think about it.

I've seen people mention those before. How do they work?

Yes. It is _mostly_ compatible already, but there are plans to make a 2E version.

The creature generator is relatively system agnostic. It gives you tables to generate strange animals.

I need to update it to work more closely with UVG 2E.

Hey, I do read, but often with a delay!

1. Oracle rolls are for the kind of situation where you just want to "find out" if something could be available or not. A bit like a magic 8-ball. Or quantum world-building. So, yeah, your interpretation of "skill rolls with no risk or variable results" is pretty much close enough. Adding skill in that situation is a bit of a judgement call by the referee. The examples you list - finding a secret or a good sale - if the player gave me a good or funny one-line rationale why their PC's skill would apply this time ... I'd be inclined to either straight up say, "yes" or "yes, if you spend 1d4-1 cash and a quarter of an hour buying some local weirdoes some iguanas-onna-stick."

2. That is absolutely one of the uses of Hero Dice. They're a quick way to regain life (hp). So, the PC can choose - boost your roll now to get a crit? Save your HD for after the fight? Otherwise, life (hp) are one of the attributes that can be recovered after a 1 week rest.

It doesn't fit perfectly - but it's close. The core system hasn't changed that much - the big numbers (level, life aka hitpoints, defenses, travel, dying of thirst, caravan mechanics, carrying capacities, etc.) are all basically the same.

I have to update it, but ... well, it will come!

PS - glad you like the books!

Yeah, it's a work in progress. I expand it as I write new books.

Nope, not yet!

We may do another round of dice when we do another KS ... till then, yes, I fear they're out of stock!

Thank you! It's due soon soon ... I can nearly smell the fresh ink ...

Working on the print!

Thank you!

There is!

I am actually working on a 2nd Edition right now :)

"Welcome" is Heading 1 - in the contents it is styled as SMALL CAPS with an empty linespace above it.

"Do Not... etc." is Heading 2 - in the contents it is styled as Regular with no space above it.

"New Servitor etc." is Heading 3 - in the contents it is styled as Regular with no space above it and a 0.235in indent.

These are all stylistic choices. The simple answer is that I like how it looks.

To change it, select the entry in the table of contents (H1, H2, or H3) and adjust its style in the Text Styles panel. For example, if you want each subordinate entry to have a greater indentation, give the TOC 1: Heading 2 style an indent of 0.235in, and TOC1: Heading 3 style an indent of 0.47in.

The reason for the naming is, quite simply, because I called this TOC style "TOC 1" - i.e. Table of Contents 1.

I hope that helps!

Thank you for the kind comment! I hope it helped a bit :)

Thank you for saying that! I like making the text the most :D


A pleasure :)

Glad it helped!


I got it yesterday and looked it over. I really like how you elegantly built eras, rises and falls, into the main play tables themselves. It's a really, really cool mechanic.

Overall, theme and style, superb. I like it a lot.

The interior headers really give an art-deco-infinity vibe that echoes Lynch's Dune for me (which is definitely a good thing). I'd personally have gone with a similar styling for your cover, but your tribute to the 1960s and 1970s sci fi pulps is a good choice.

In a few places, I feel like the large "dice icons" trapped you a little bit, making it hard to stay on a single spread or keep a section feeling cohesive. I would have made those icons a bit smaller, and possibly gone for a narrower body font. Maybe a Helvetica or Univers. But this is really just my own quibble: I want more of those cool header and art deco elements on the rise / gold / fall sections! :D

Thank you for bringing this game to my attention.

This is becoming more and more fantastic. Super excited to see where it goes :)

They are basically the same. The Exalted pdf is from the print edition, hence the larger size (the dpi of the images is larger). It doesn't have bookmarks because, again, a for-print .pdf.

We're discussing a new print run next year, which may see some slightly larger updates and will also include a digital file.

Cheers :)

Thank you for that! I hope you enjoy it :)

We've been talking about reprints for the map and screen, but nothing fixed yet. We'll announce them when we know!

Yep, was going to say - there's a free separate file with those :) - don't spread it around, but I am planning to polish up the map a little bit soon :)


The simple answer is that you don't need to keep all the different threads in your head at the same time.

Use the player lead approach you're used to. Give the visitor's book to the players to reference and build off, then use the referee's book to surface challenges and problems as they play. The referee's book presents factions, events, and locations to provide fuel, not firm structure. You can share events between sessions and ask players to pick what they'll focus on, while rolling randomly to see what else happens in the background.

The basic idea of most OSR or OSR-ish or sandboxy games (whichever term you prefer) is to give content you then generate from randomly or semi-randomly (or even just for straight-up cherry-picking). There's no right or wrong way to play an adventure, much less a sandbox.

And best part is, if you break it, it's fine - it was made for breaking :)

Hihi, thanks :)

Thank you! I'm super happy to hear you enjoy it ^_^

I hope you'll like the next one, too :)

Yeah, my hope is they'll be up soon! I don't have anything to do directly with the production and shipping of the physical books ...
Though ... uhh ... it's possible that the 3rd reprint has sold out again. ... I see these two posts are 210 days apart, so that is quite possible.

I'll check.

If one, I take the one with the body snatchers.

Can I use both or one? :)