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(1 edit)

Looks great! Are there plans to add (basic, non-syntax-highlighted) styling for inline code as well?

Admin (2 edits)

You can use the language css class on a <code> tag: print(3.14).

Are you looking for something else? The inline <code> tag already will use a monospace font

(4 edits)

With the syntax highlighting, it looks like you also get a smaller font size (which looks better with a monospace font), as well as a different background color. So that’s cool.

Ideally, both of those would also be set when using inline code from markdown backticks as well. Right now, that just gets size 18 monospace, no background or border to distinguish it from surrounding text.

  • Markdown inline code: hello
  • HTML inline code: hello
  • HTML inline code with language class: hello