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Hi, developer of deepdwn here.

I’ve been using Textreme 1 and 2 for years and love them both also!

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Thank you!

There is an issue with the description section of your document.

It needs to appear like this (with the key and content on a single line)

description: Organizing potential quests and story

or like this (with the content indented on the following line):

  Organizing potential quests and story

Otherwise, the yaml section is technically invalid, and Deepdwn is unable to parse the metadata (in some circumstances), and you don’t get the correct title/tag/category display.

There is an advanced feature that ought to have been able to help with that (Settings > Advanced > Enable markdown format warnings), but I see that it has a bug preventing it from working correctly in the latest release.

If it was working, you might have seen this cryptic message, which may or may not have helped anyway.

Screenshot of a section of yaml containing an error. An X icon appears at the error line, with a popup displaying the text “can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key

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Also I'm a little unclear on where tags from within the document show up, how you'd make tags akin to the chapter 1, chapter 2, etc shown in a screenshot on the product page, and how those differentiate from the outline tab.

Tags in deepdwn exist at the document level only, to help organize files together which share the same tag. 

In the product page screenshot, there are multiple markdown files (titled "chapter one", "chapter two", etc) which all have a common tag in their document metadata.

Hope that makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions about it!

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It looks like your document's frontmatter isn't being parsed at all. Can you share the file you're having trouble with?

I'm not sure what you mean about aspect ratio scaling, as I would expect all scaling would maintain the original aspect ratio

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I have, but (even ios aside) I don't think it fully meets my needs:

  • Switching to fullscreen should require interaction (even if it can be used programatically), because it affects device navigation. So this means clicking possibly very small buttons.
  • It may force landscape mode depending on device, which the user may not want, and usually hides native navigation buttons/menus.
  • Fullscreen seems to cut off part of the deck display on small screens (ex: if width is < 512px)

For web-decker, are there plans to allow (probably blurry) non-integer canvas scaling?

On small screens, the locked sizes can leave a lot of unused space (and tiny elements), that could be better used by filling the screen with the deck, even at the cost of correct pixel scaling. 

The canvas scale itself can be overridden with CSS, but mouse event locations will be incorrect because of it.

I don't think new character strings will be added after headings, but double clicking heading prefixes to expand/collapse them will be added in a future version.

Technically, it's in the current version, but does not work correctly at all.

Thanks for the feedback!

This is something I have on my to-do list, but I don’t have any kind of ETA for you!


You can fold headings right now!

Here’s the devlog where the feature was added, which has some extra information on usage:

And the list of relevant shortcuts for heading folding when using the default key bindings:

Hope that helps!

Do you have any plans to add the Raspberry Pi to the list of supported platforms?

Probably not any time soon. I don’t have a good way to incorporate an ARM build into the build and deploy process for raspberry pi, or a suitable device for performance testing/optimization right now.

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So, you can certainly use Deepdwn to write your markdown for Nikola, and it won’t prevent you from adding arbitrary HTML tags and attributes to your document, but its preview isn’t going to interpret the markdown in the same way that Nikola/Python-MarkdownExtra does.

For instance,

<SECTION markdown="1">

## A level two heading
A paragraph with **bold** and *italics*.

Will be interpreted the same as


## A level two heading
A paragraph with **bold** and *italics*.

Because Deepdwn doesn’t consider the markdown attribute on the section at all.

Also note the empty line after the section node, this is required in commonmark to interpret the following lines as markdown, instead of more HTML.

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I’m not totally familiar with Python’s (or PHP’s) markdown implementation, but my understanding is that, by default, markdown will not be parsed inside block level HTML elements there.

In general, Deepdwn’s goal is to meet the commonmark spec, where that is not the case. You can read about the way that mixed HTML and markdown are handled here:

I think the spec isn’t especially easy to understand, but you can take a look at the examples below that, that are a bit easier to understand.

That said, Deepdwn limits the HTML elements and attributes that will appear in the preview and exports. That may be an issue for you, depending on your use case.

Hope that helps!

Thanks for the feedback!

PlantUML is unlikely to be added at this time, as it’s an external dependency that can’t be as easily bundled up with the editor.

I’d like to support some kind of external rendering tools at some point, so support may be added in the future, but there’s no time frame for that task.


There isn’t a separate setting for the sensitivity currently. I believe it’s something like: sustained typing of 200(ish) characters, with no more than 10 seconds between each one. So, even typing slowly, you’d hit it eventually, but it depends a lot on the type of writing/editing you’re doing.

I’ll move this to feature requests!

Got it.

No, that’s not something that Deepdwn does currently. I’ll add it to feature requests


There are some, but markdown doesn’t lend itself to autocomplete as much as other formats.

Offhand, Deepdwn supports autocomplete for:

  • links to document headings
  • footnotes
  • relative links to images and other documents (and their headings)
  • known categories and tags in the yaml frontmatter
  • the yaml properties themselves that deepdwn uses (title, category, description, dir, pinned, tags)
  • Mermaid chart names
  • code autocomplete for some languages inside code blocks

Fountain documents support a number of common fields in the title page, characters and scene names, and some suffixes for those.

Is there some functionality you’re looking for, specifically?


This has come up once before (with .mdx). My feeling at the time (but less so now) is that I think it’s misleading to appear to support these extended/dynamic formats, while still treating them as plain markdown files.

I may make that a setting, so that you can treat arbitrary filetypes as markdown (including rmd files), but I don’t hav an ETA for that change.

Hi, thanks for the feedback

Now, I’d really love to be able to do something with them as far as exporting them to an html list, or something. I’m not just tagging my files for my own amusement, I want to be able to publish the metadata somehow.

The purpose of supporting tags/categories in Deepdwn is more for organization within the editor, rather than a separate exportable item.

I don’t think there’s a general purpose thing that Deepdwn could do in that regard that would be useful to many people, without building a lot of features/configuration on top of it, but since the format used (markdown with yaml frontmatter) is reasonably standard (-ish, with caveats), I think somebody could build up tooling outside of Deepdwn to take that kind of thing on: It would parse your markdown files, gather tags and… do something with them, whatever it is that you need.

I’m of the opinion that you’re wasting time with the appimage and snap route

There are some issues with snap currently. It’s more like: If it works for you that’s great, but the appimage will continue to be supported, as it’s the one I use most currently.

I was under the impression that this app had linking to other notes built in

That is correct. You can:

  • create markdown links to other documents, generally using relative paths.
  • control-click those links to navigate to the linked document
  • use the info panel at the bottom to see all documents linking to the current document.

Hope that helps!

For the font issue, you may try clearing your font cache, per this post:

fc-cache -r
rm ~/.cache/fontconfig/*
sudo rm -f /var/cache/fontconfig/*
(3 edits)

Thanks for the feedback!

While the file:// protocol isn’t supported, both relative and absolute paths are, and you have a few options.

If your markdown file has been saved to /home/nigel/django/sarah/silsondb/static/site/, you could use:

![image description](img/screenshots/quote-issue.png) to show the image.

For relative paths like this, you can also use autocomplete while typing the path (by typing Control+Space). This has some usage caveats: Your file must have been saved, and the images must exist somewhere inside your selected notes directory.

Lastly, you can drag and drop images directly on to the editor to create a markdown image with the path prefilled.

Hope that helps!


The font issue isn’t unique to the 0.39 build, unfortunately, and I don’t have a solution for you (other than to use the appimage).

I believe it’s down to distro and desktop differences, but I don’t have a good lead on a solution.

Related post for this issue:

I believe it’s D#, F, G, A#, C

Thanks for the feedback.

This may be added in a future update, but there are a number of preview formatting options I’d like to add at the same time.

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This is a bug and should be fixed in the next release

Thanks for the feedback!

I should be able to add this in a future update

No problem!


ABC notation doesn’t use # for accidentals. See:

For your first example, you’d want:


There may be other (related or non-standard) notations that allow this but I’m not aware of all of the implementations.

What mac OS version are you using?

Does the issue occur if you boot in safe mode? (I’m not actually sure deepdwn will launch in safe mode, but would be good to know)

Have you noticed any similar issues in other applications?

I’m sorry that I don’t have an answer for you currently. I’ll keep digging in to it, but I haven’t found a cause or solution for you yet.

I’d be curious to know if it happens with the x64 version, but I’m guessing it will, and whether it occurs on other machines if you have any available to test with.

What data would you like to import into it? How would you like to view that data? What kind of features are you looking for?

Hmm, very strange!

  • Does it only occur with words at the end of documents as in your two videos, or does it occur in other places as well?
  • Is the content that gets pasted always in your document somewhere else?
  • Does it occur on short documents, with a paragraph and then the spelling error? Do you find it happens more on long or short documents?
  • Does it occur when “Display entire document at once” is checked? This is a setting in Preferences > Accessibility that controls the display of offscreen content

I have not seen that before!

Does it occur if you right click to open the menu, and then use the arrow keys and enter to select the spelling suggestion, instead of the mouse?

Do you have any other apps or utilities which might affect paste or text operations?

Do you have anything very strange in your custom spelling suggestion dictionary for some reason? It’s located in ~/Library/Application Support/Deepdwn/Custom Dictionary.txt


Deepdwn does use a (local) sqlite database exclusively for tracking word count changes over time (for this feature). It contains only a word count, timestamp and filename.

For everything else, the markdown files themselves are the source of truth, and are processed when launching Deepdwn. This includes the content of your files for search and display, all file tagging and categorization, directory structure, and all other metadata (whether a document is pinned, or enforces a right-to-left direction, etc). This is actually one of Deepdwn’s core features/principles.

That said, there are some features that I would like to add that will rely on either external files or a database, namely more powerful search tools, and edit history storage that can’t realistically be stored in markdown(+yaml), so those may be added in the future.

Thanks! It’s hand-rolled CSS, and Vue.js for the most part.

Hi, thanks for the kind words.

That’s a pretty specific use case I think, but I understand how it could be useful to you!

It’s not as convenient as what you’re looking for, I think, but you could add each character as a heading in your characters document, and then use heading autocomplete when referencing them.


Thanks for the feedback!

I’ll take a look at standardizing the dark and light mode bullet colors a bit. They won’t be based on accent color, because different colors are used for the different indentation levels. It will probably not get a separate configuration (because options are very time consuming to maintain).

I don’t think text files will be supported, but I need to spend some time on it. While it’s easy to allow them to be opened, there’s no (good) way to support metadata the way that Deepdwn does for markdown and fountain files, which means no tags and categories, document pinning, RTL handling, and no explicit document titles, and these are all important for file organization.

Most Deepdwn features would also not be useful in text files (document preview and scrolling, autocomplete, link handling, etc etc). I can understand not wanting to change applications just to edit text files, but I don’t know that there’s a good way to handle text files currently without moving Deepdwn toward a more generic file tree editor.

It’s working correctly on the games page for me, but not on other pages, for tags that don’t appear in the dropdown, leaving the search in a broken state: