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A member registered Jun 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much. Next time i will start my own post.

(1 edit)

Can i ask help for the same problem.

I upload my asset on 19/6/2022, and I'm wait until now but it almost month it still can't be found in search.

This is my asset:

This is not my first upload asset. So i use the same tag and same setup.

Sorry for not post new post. But i feel this problem heppen to many guy.  So i ask help in this post that have same problem.

After almost year to refine my art and how to process sprite.

now i release my new work.

I start sprite set with greatsword becuase i feel greatsword is gate to fatasy world.

I sell this sprites set at 5$ becuase i see other sprite price is around 8$ up.

You can think that my sprites set is seperate sell between base character and cloth layer.

That cloth layer will comeout in the future.

this greatsword sprite can also count as 2-hand weapon.  So i plan on make other weapon that will fit this movement.

But i have stop for now becease my Clip studio plant is expire.

And this sprite will enter summer sell and reduce price tp 4$

This sell is decide that i can keep  going on drawing or not.

Thank you reading. Hope for next step SV-Battler in RPGmaker.

here my work

1. Add one pose(3 pic) in .PNG)

2. Reduce price on my work.

3. Add .psd file in pack

Hi everyone. My second sprites come out.

seeD of Desire No.2 Orb & Book Character Sprites.

I have add extra pic to use as "Dashforward" for this sprites and my previos sprite seeD of Desire No.1 Greatsword Character Sprites.

Feel free to comment, I want to know how to improve my work.

Thank for first download.

You make me feel my work have value to someone.

Thank you for your answer.

(1 edit)

Hi, I am Full scale sprites sheet maker.

If i create my sprite sheets and sale on this site.  Do I need to add tag "adult" fot my work?

my sample work this like this.

If i'm dont have to draw sample cloth. It can reduce my work time.

I think many guy want own original character.

For me  cloth, eyes, hair is key to make characteristics.

Thank you for advice in advance.

Hi my pen name is "seeD of Desire"

I'am Drawing Sprites for in the future to make my game.

I sell my base sprites on this site, hope to earn some finance to make my game.

Here my work

visit on this site

thank for your advice.

(1 edit)

This Bonus Stand Pose for who want to use make original character.

It make to match for my sprites sheets.

(2 edits)

This is my first work on sprites sheet.

########## seeD of Desire  #############

No.1 Greatsword

Anime Style

SV Battler


RPG Maker

Recoment for who want better SV Battler in anime stlye.

Less Coding to use sprites.

Separate layer, Minimun movement. Make it easy to adapt to make your original character.

Have mark on border. Make it easy to adjust position to fit each frame.

layer order




This Sprite content 3 frame each of

Idle        Stabbing(Attack1)    Escape Ready/Physical    Swinging(Attack2)    Victory

Ready/Magical    Shooting        Crisis/Danger

Guard        Use Physical Skill    Abnormal State

Damage        Use Magical Skill    Sleeping

Evade        Use Item        Dead

AnchorY of this sprites is 0.95


Terms of use

    Use in any game engine  =  OK

    Commercial use = OK

    Non-commercial use = OK

    Edits for your project needs = OK

    Redistribution of content inside the pack = NOT ALLOWED!     Redistribution of edited content from the pack = NOT ALLOWED!     


    OK for who want to make "weapon Layer", "cloth Layer","Hair Layer" and sell it as Asset for My Sprites.

PS. If posible add "seeD of Desire" in your credit.

If you have any question feel free to contact me on

E-mail :

Twitter : @prachamruea

Sorry for my bad English.