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A member registered Dec 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you. I really did not know. 

Will the management team of Itch finally add Pygame to the webpage "Most used Engines" ? Thanks again.


Pygame cannot be found here:

In fact, a large number of games were made with Pygame on Itch.

I hope that the management team of Itch will add Pygame to the engine list. Thanks a lot! Thank you very much!!!!!

Hello, this game looks nice. I hope that this game will be very successful at last. Yeah. I have a question. Are you also making this game in Small Basic?


 I see. I hope that you will change your mind in July. Your entries in the previous BASIC Jams are so impressive. Yeah!

Hello! Long time no see. You are still active in game development. Good job.

I used the Itch system to send an email about BASIC Jam(#6) to you. I don't know whether you have received this email. This jam will be held in Jul. If you have time, you are very welcome to join the jam! I look forward to your nice entry. Sure. This jam: link suggestion....."Save a jam as a template" and "Load a template as a jam".

Many Itch members like to make series of jams( I meant: Jam #1, Jam #2, Jam #3, etc. ) 

Forexample: I published Jam for All BASIC Dialects (#1) to Jam for All BASIC Dialects (#6)   
( )

If the two features are added to Itch jam system, jam organizers(like me) will be able to make series of jams conveniently.( only do slight modifications on templates. Sure!)

I hope that the management team of Itch will consider this suggestion very closely. Thank you very much! Thanks again!!!!!!

Hello! Long time no see.  How are you? BASIC Jam(#6) will be held in Jul. If you have time, you are very welcome to join the jam! I look forward to your nice entry. Sure. This jam: link

(1 edit)

Hi.....I published a new game jam(Jam for All BASIC Dialects(#6)) about two weeks ago. I captured the analytics page:

The information provided by this analytics page is so useful. No doubt. Only top 20 URLs are shown on the analytics page. Some jams are very popular(not my game jam) and showing 20 URLs is not enough for a popular game jam. In my opinion, 40 URLs to 50 URLs are more suitable for popular game jams.


This jam will be an entertaining game jam. You are welcome!

Hello! Thanks for your opinions. You are so welcome to join this jam. On the other hand, you are very welcome to rate entries or write comments on them as well. Yeah!

Hi.....QBJS is very nice and convincing. Sure. I have added the link to the following webpage. I really hope that many BASIC hobbyists will be able to discover QBJS easily. Yeah.

Bye. ( )

Hi! It is a fun game jam. No doubt!

Why may the jam be suitable for you? 

1.  Creating a game in BASIC dialect is entertaining!

2.  There are several themes for entrants to select. Not only one theme.

3.  It is a one-month jam. Therefore, entrants will have enough time to make their entries as perfect as possible.

Hello! Thanks for considering this idea. In my opinion, cool and colorful Itch page can easily make good first impressions on visitors. Sure.

Good luck!


You can create your own levels using the editor <--- It is a very good tool.

Raylib is a really nice library making 2D and 3D game development easy.  <--- I see. So good! I am quite curious. I have one more question. May SmallBASIC have a webpage  on Itch in the future? The official website of SmallBASIC is so nice: The official website is really nice because it provides detailed information of SmallBASIC, On the other hand, Itch is a social media where youths and teenagers like to visit. If an itch webpage is created for SmallBASIC, many young visitors may become users of SmallBASIC after visiting the Itch webpage of SmallBASIC. Yeah. In fact, creating an Itch webpage of SmallBASC by you is convincing because you made two excellent SmallBASIC games. Anyway, I am only curious.

Hello, I downloaded and played the game. This puzzle game is high-quality and interesting. The gameplay is challenging. Sure. The graphics are really nice. I like the graphics. May I ask a question? How many levels are in the game?

By the way, Raylib looks like a very nice tool and SmallBASIC looks versatile. I look forward to new games from you. Yeah.


I discovered an interesting discussion about QBJS.  Maybe you will be interested. Here:

Good! I look forward to your nice entry.

Well done...yeah!

Hi! Thanks for joining the jam. I have played the game. The sound effects, the background music and the graphics are so good. Sure. The game is a nice attempt.

Hello...if I have time, BASIC Jam (#6) will be hosted in May, June or July in this year.

Hi, I see. Thanks again! If I have time, the next jam will be hosted in May, June or July in this year. Yeah.

Wow....another interesting  and enjoyable puzzle game in the game jam. Good job!

This entry is special. This entry is very different from other entries. The focus of the game is on the very interesting message of every chest. The messages are full of humour. Very funny! In my opinon, if an interesting font can be used to display the messages, the messages will look much funnier. Besides, the background music is suitable for the atmosphere of the game.  It is so mild and can easily make players comfortable.

The platform game is so good. QBJS looks very nice!

Hello, good review! I like to read good review. You have written several good reviews. Yeah!

Hello! You wrote unbiased comments on all entries in each BASIC Jam. Thank you very much!!!

Hello.....the game is a nice attempt. The gameplay is fun. If there is a "Player VS Bot" mode, this game should be more entertaining. Besides, I don't know whether LitDev.dll supports background music and sound effects. If the game has these two things, better player experience will be generated. One more opinion, most gamers' monitors are with at least 1366x768 resolution, they may prefer game areas which are bigger.


At first, I thought that it was very difficult to kill the enemy in the game. Actually, killing him is not too difficult after I played the game for a short period of time. The background music is excellent. If there are sound effects in the game, the atmosphere will be  raised to a higher level. The gameplay is simple but it is interesting. If there are other levels with new items, the game will be more attractive.

I was suprised because you used QBJS to create  this game. I remember that you liked to use FreeBASIC to create entries in the previous jams. You left your comfort zone for making this game. Good job!

Hi, your puzzle game is really, really good. Though there is no background music, the game is not boring. Moreover, the game is fun and enjoyable.  Sure.  Ha....well done!

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Hello,  I have played this shooting game. The game is exciting. Not too hard and not too easy. I like the gameplay of the game. The background music is okay. Perhaps the game is short but the game is still nice.  If you further develop this game to make some new levels , the game will look longer. In conclusion, this game is a good try.


The voting period is in progress now. The voting period will end about 6 days later. Entrants are prevented from adding new files to their submissions during the voting period. After the jam is completely over, uploads are unlocked.

Actually, everyone can help. If you have played an entry, you objectively rate the entry. If you have time to write a comment on the entry, it will be very helpful to the entrant. Doing these two things will motivate or inspire the entrant. They may also help the entrant to make the right decisions on the next project. The game development techniques of the entrant may be improved as well.  The voting is open to all Itch members. I sincerely encourage Itch members to vote. Your participation will really make the jam great.

Thanks for voting! Thanks for reading!


I want to tell all of you that the voting period of this jam is in progress now. The voting period will end 7 days later. Every Itch member is very, very welcome to rate and write comments. Sure.

By the way, every Itch member is able to help: If you have played an entry, you objectively rate the entry. If you have time to write a comment on the entry, the comment will be very helpful to the entrant. Doing these two things will motivate or inspire the entrant. No doubt. They may also help the entrant to make the right decisions on the next project. The game development techniques of the entrant may be improved as well. 

I sincerely encourage every Itch member to vote. Thanks for reading! Thanks for voting! Thank you very much!!!


Oh, it is not too good to extend the deadline of a game jam. However, your suggestion shows that you are so passionate and hardworking. Sure. Good luck to you!


Time flies. Final 50 hours. The submission period will end soon and we will be able to play entertaining games from entrants soon!

Grasp your time and you are almost there! Yeah!


The game jam system of Itch is so sophisticated and superior. Sure!!!!! There is a huge number of enjoyable game jams hosted on Itch. No doubt. The game jam system allows jam organizer to send emails to entrants of a specific old jam hosted by this jam organizer. This feature is very helpful! If this jam organizer's new jam is coming, this organizer will be able to inform an old jam's entrants the news of this new jam. Thus the old jam's entrants will not miss this new jam. Yeah.

My suggestion:
Assume that a jam organizer hosted 4 jams in the past: Jam 1, Jam 2, Jam 3 and Jam 4. The organizer's new  jam(Jam 5) is coming. The organizer wants to tell this exciting news to all entrants of the 4 old jams. Therefore, the organizer sends emails to all entrants of Jam 1. Then the organizer sends emails to all entrants of Jam 2. Then the organizer sends emails to all entrants of Jam 3. Then the organizer sends emails to all entrants of Jam 4. Since some entrants joined more than 1 previous jam, they are annoyed by receiving more than 1 email about the news of Jam 5. In fact, a few entrants received 4 emails because they also joined Jam 1, Jam 2, Jam 3 and Jam 4. So I suggest: allow jam organizer to send emails to entrants of more than 1 jam simultaneously but "don't repeat".

Please consider the above suggestion. This new feature will be really helpful to game jam organizers. Thank you very much! Thanks again!!!!!!


The new analytics feature for jam webpage is very useful, reliable and awesome. Well done!!!

The management team of Itch is so excellent! Sure!!!!!

"Also there is no public review system for games, like seen on Steam. You see rating summary, but cannot read what people were writing for a specific game. Not even how the distribution of ratings is. There is a difference between a 4 star game that often gets 4 stars and a game that gets lots of 5 stars and some 1 stars." <--  Wow! Really nice ideas. I really hope that the management team of Itch will also consider these two ideas.  Sure.

Hello....I agree with you. The improved Itch system should let Itch members  select to use 'messageboard', 'forum' or 'none' on their home pages. I hope that the management team of Itch will try to consider this idea closely.


The Itch system automatically classified your post as spam post(maybe too many URLs) and placed your post in the pending folder 10 days ago. I discovered your post today and then I made it visible in the forum. 

"I am a big fan of AppGameKit" <--  I realized this by reading your post. Sure.

"The only limitations are - " <-- Thanks for providing detailed information of AppGameKit! The information is so useful for non-users. No doubt. Thanks again.

"I think you should mention this when you list this in the paid basic languages -" <-- Oh, I tried to make an uncomplicated list and I still hope to keep it not too complicated. Anyway, welcome to the forum! Yeah.

Hi, yes.

The voting period is a 7-day period. Entrants are prevented from adding new files to their submissions during the voting period. After the jam is completely over, uploads are unlocked.