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A member registered 68 days ago · View creator page →

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I haven't been so scared of Foxy and other animatronics before))))))

Hi everyone, here I am answering people's questions that have crossed over from this article. If you have any questions about how to create something I will answer them.

I currently have plans to write an article on about creating AI on Construct 3. But I can't figure out the best place to write about it. General Developments or Devlogs?

I present to you the finished my first product of the game industry-Football Championship!

Last time I already wrote about Football Championship! Here it is, the post. But today I released the official finished product.The meaning of the game: in 2 minutes you need to hit the goal more than your opponent.The game is for one person. Learn more about the game.

Hello, world! I recently created my first game on Construct 3. It is now in Demo version and is updated frequently. I'm adding what I didn't have time for (subtle game rules). I would like you to play it and give your feedback. The main thing for me is to find out: if the game is well made. Here's a bit of gameplay info:

Football Championship-a pixelated, single-player, casual football game in which you can control the goalkeeper, defenders and strikers. The game was made on Construct 3 game engine. Artificial Intelligence of opponents and allies was seriously thought out.
During the game you can control one of the two strikers, and if the ball is in "your area" you can control the defenders as well. You have to score 3 goals to win, time is limited (15 minutes)

I think it's good for my first game. Yeah, I didn't get into the popular genres on I should have made a horror game, but we learn from our mistakes. It took me about two weeks to make the demo. Really struggled with the bots. They are sometimes dumb, but on release they will think normally. Here are two gifs showing the menu and gameplay:


Okay, well, thank you for telling me

(1 edit)

I'm making a game, and so multiple characters are involved, which the player can use at any minute by pressing SHIFT. But I don't understand how to do this with ONE type of object when there are TWO or more. I could spawn the same objects and give them the same control and switching. I don't want to clutter my project with thousands of similar commands and objects. I want to use one type of object, but in large numbers. If you know how to do this, can you explain what commands should be entered in case of two objects of the same type.