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A member registered May 31, 2014 · View creator page →

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I have a folder for /VNyan and it says to update, but when it does it makes a /VNyan 2 or a /Vnyan 3 folder so every time I launch the program from shortcut it's the OLD version because it didn't update.

How do I fix this or is this a "feature" and I should just not use the launcher at all?

I wonder if we could also use the gameboy printer to print it out after we won 🤔

Thanks for the list :3

Is there a list of all the TTS services this supports so I know I can use it before I buy?

That second photo is of the Golden Axe/Altered Beast Chickenleg character isn't it.

(1 edit)

Text gets cut off in the NVL parts when the font is set to Large or Very Large. Using the Default font.

Example is when talking about the Azoth, Philosiphjer's Stone the "achieved..." will be cut off in Large and the whole sentence in Extra Large

Since Itchio has decided it's pro-pedophilia and rape porn (I've reported games and they are still available so NO you aren't going to remove them) can we get a way to block games individually AND en masse. I am not liking Itchio's "Open the door to ALL the porn" and would like to not have to see it when I browse since once again a good site has gone to the trash with this.

I was thinking of Voiceattack. I have a "butler" character that responds when I change my scenes and OBS is.. being a pain with turning off and on his PNG. X3 I was thinking of using this to just.. do all the heavy lifting of PNG on/PNG off.

How hard would it be to have this app capture audio from a program natively?

So after my dino hatched it was dead within around 15 minutes even when I bought food. Now I have to wait for a long time to get enough money to buy eggs.

Maybe not have them die so fast
Lower the egg cost to buy eggs faster OR give a free egg if you last dinosaur dies. Otherwise it's static pixel plant simulator. 

Tested this out on a Windows Mixed Reality. The motion controls didn't work, but a regular controller did. (I assume it was controller only).

Seemed to work fine for me. ('-' b)

Yeah the Name text seems to be high and the text itself is up on the name box. :3

You can see in the image how the text is just slightly above center. This seems to affect all text box text.

So cute :3

Aaand that's the point. The woman will never get the job. I've seen multiple studies and heard multiple accounts.

Thanks :3

They aren't my games, they are other people's games. Any way to flag them as non-compliant for the itch app as it seems a lot of games I have in my library use installers?

So I've gotten a few games and whenever I click on LAUNCH it opens an insaller up and after installing when I click on LAUNCH it just keeps opeining the installer up? How do I actually play the game?

Pretty sure that's a default in renpy, but doesn't look like there's a dedicated hotkey for it and thus it needs some kind of icon to click.