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A member registered Oct 10, 2023

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Thank you, I hope I didn't sounded impatient, I feel a seem to be a bit grumpy today otherwise and god knows what some people seem to understand from my comments sometimes.

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You need to lock the games into whatever option makes it possible to download it with the app.

Also I get this with Virus total, I haven't seen that one yet I believe

SentinelOne (Static ML) Static AI - Suspicious Archive

because of some npc I was curious if it's normal that the player character isn't stiff unless offering. The game really makes me curious enough to want more soon. Well i might have forgotten to add something and I would rather open a discussion for that, but this chat doesn't seem to have the topics.

Thank you, yes I'm hoping for some character interaction, talks or new scenes. I know this is really early so well do it in a way that ensures you get it done properly, sooo....take your time.

In the end I probably tried out when  I would be able to buy the full game or a better version, I already have Spunkstock.

I mentioned it the last time already that I believe it was about music....anyway, I could still see some stuff I liked about this game. 

Yesterday however tired I was, I must have gotten the idea that I could already play a better version somewhere and asked myself why not on or Steam.

What's with steam or I was curious when a new version or a release date might be ready. It's already 0.8?

One last question, will everything become free at some point? 

If I like it i obviously have no problem with putting some money into it, but not sure how long it takes to figure that out, personal taste and everything. I'm still waking up.

Magissy community · Created a new topic Uncensored build?

what exactly am I playing right now when I downloaded it?  i just read that after I started looking when I saw a 10$ mentioned on the starting screen.

Everything beside Patreon is okay for me when I got a taste of the gameplay and everything.

is this a demo?

Sorry I thought it was the Ukraine, I don't remember the english name

Can you already say how much there is supposed to be? I kinda don't want it to end anytime soon and don't mind some sort of season 2 or something in chase this ends up in a harem or something. Not sure how this is set up but so far you can go after anyone I think.

I just looking for a reason for this to continue. It's one of the games where the mood, jokes and whatever works even if I do not like the burps and stuff. 

Some just can't hear stuff I suppose, not my fault i mean it's the only reason I can think of I earned a downvote before.

Well maybe I'm ignoring the weaknesses, but the more I play the more fun it is. Still I'm a bit affraid I will soon reach a point where i wish i could unfluence more.

That sounds like it's really one sided, from my experience I hate these character types, even those that you could understand a little bit, always have to act submissive.

Okay so in this chase I shouldn't expect to get everything for free, can I kind of expect a big demo?  I'm picky with this stuff as long as I can't really figure out what I have to expect.

what's with the version numbers? Is the free thing the most update one? Will the updates become free after a certain time? I have seen that here a few times.

32 or 64 download link? In the app I see these and maybe a third option that I don't remember. 

I forgot what they told me which is better, it'S not always the higher number with these things I think.

In which way are the NTR scenes done, are you the one uhhmmm doing them or do other guys "take them away" or how you describe it, sorry about my english here.

Also whatS with the WIP? For some reason I remember this as "patreon only content".

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I kind of love the humor here and I got to really like Luis and that other guys character model despite thinking otherwise first. I guess being written really well and stuff just makes it work.

I could do without the buprs though. I feel like I have a reason for hating that, but no nows not the time.

Based on the downvote someone seems to hate the game.

I know the version number, but for those 2 years how much is there?

Hey have you tried it already? I'm currently only waiting to see if you still get the to work with this.

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Not sure if that is the problem, but I got told once the dev just need to lists the download or something for the app. It must be a box you have to check or something like that.

edit: This is on steam? Sadly that means we have to wait, please try not to include dlc and I'm curious when we have to start with the payment. Oh the no dlc was because of the german region lock and this having a price is the only way to somehow still get it on steam, free dlc would not work.

I'm not a fan of those two decision buttons with one big "FOR PATREON" locks. That also makes it look like it will stay locked.

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That was not really enough to even put it out here yet.

Just to be sure, she is no futanari right? I saw the other games.

I think on Youtube it would be those from the  Metal Family animation show.

Ahhh yes had to look it up, on steam it's the FOX TAIL Dev I believe.

There were one or two more of my favourite games in EA but I don't remember those chases that well anymore.

Hi, just in chase, you know about the bad pokemon situation? I hope in chase something happens you will be able to use the idea somehow differently.  I wish you good luck and everything,

I hope the game will get some sort of remake or whatever in the final version. It's not bad but without much time to explain it deeply, I feel like I can see weaknesses. 

I will finish this anyway, it's not bad and I can see something I like in it.

Is this different enough for them not to attack the game randomly? This is nice, but you know how aggressive they seem to be recently.

I can see your frustration if it's similar to Bonecrafts battle system.

I think I deleted my earlier post. Well I asked if you want to give me your steam name, I think you had an account there right?

Don't feel like you have to talk I might be missremembering some stuff, but I think we had at least a bit in common and you a steam account. 

I can't promise much, but you know if you want you can tell me your steam name? I don't remember if you had an account there, but I'm pretty sure. 

For what's it worth and even if we end up barely talking i just thought why not. 

It's okay if you don't want to thought.  It would be a bit more private anytime there is something to talk about.

Hhhmm  if it's similar to Bonecraft in that regard I can totally see your frustration.

Thank you, well it could be better, but I think it's getting better  again.  If you have a problem and no one is willing to understand it, you get more trouble than you want sometimes.  I hope you have a better time. 

Well I still have to wait for a lot of games, most of the stuff either interests me only a bit, probably melts my PC even if I don't know it yet, or still takes it's sweet time to release.

Sometimes even doing that one joke where they get a delay a week before the release.

Well if something sounds weird you can blame the drinks I had tonight.

I will take a look at the game tomorrow, I feel like my taste shifted a bit again.

Thank you, I believe I had Bonecraft on steam when it was still allowed to buy it there for us.  How similar is Bonetown?

I'm curious too.

I kinda wish it wasn't so either good or bad. Uhhhmm would that have made me miss the Ashleys scene? I'm not to sure where I went wrong or if I care to much.

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I'm sorry so it's another creative dev team under attack huh?

Well I wish you good luck, sorry i'm not good with this stuff. The whole thing is just more than stupid.

What should I know about these bonus episodes? Also i know I'm at the wrong place for that, but are there actually any good horror games on here?

will it become free over time or is this a demo data? I sadly can't just get everything.

Have they removed paypal from all your games?, at least I can try the demo for now.

Thank you, I believe for now were done here and I will really take my time going over it again in a day or two. For now I just see if I can still fit that onto my phone and  be a bit more patient with promising ideas with these games. I understand a bit more now that is pretty much more open to this stuff happening than.

One last time. This time I understood and I am reading it a bit to late again, I use my current main account or whatever way I just start everyday, but the sandbox mode creates another "fake User" folder with which I use to play the games.

So old account, but the new account or folder pretty much only acivates during my gaming sessions. my explanation is messy but I have that image in my head that I just boost the game, I remember something about a passwort okay....and then play it.

Sooo are there any multiplayer games on Now it would be interessting if this could become in any way annoying. 

I stop here I'm to tired, I will learn not to answer these that late. Still a bit to lazy but I will do my homework soon, thank you for the links.

Why the low version number? From the quick look I had it appears to already have some content, is it just planning to be a big project? Just to be clear we don't get his normal personality yes? Then it could be interessting.