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A member registered Aug 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey Gamers, I’m SketBR, Welcome to new Devlog of Espada de Sheris

Play This Indie Game

Espada de Sheris is indie game (game in development) that control a ninja cat named Kibo that make parkour for save the ground of masked aliens in a post apocalyptic world

Espada de Sheris Gameplay:

This is new Espada de Sheris Gameplay, Improve level design and added Score Screen

Goodbye for next Devlog of Espada de Sheris

Thanks for read


  • Parkour Elements
  • Phonk Song
  • Epic Boss Fight
  • Cute-Action Vibes


Artist, Programmer, Song and all by @sketBR


Gdevelop, Aseprite(or Pixel Studio), Bandlab and YT (For SFX)

This Indie game made in smartphone and computer

I already looked for my problem, but it didn't solve it

I have a game called Espada de Sheris, I tried to create a bundle for my game here on itchio, but it doesn't appear and no one sees my bundle. what should I do?

Sorry, I chose a tag by accident... that's it, I've removed it

It even appeared just when searching for espada, because my game is not visible when putting the hashtags, something is wrong?Note: I had to censor some things for privacy

My game does not appear in searches

My indie game Espada de Sheris, yes, it has its bugs and flaws (but it's not the final version, and things may change). It doesn't show up in searches, according to an admin here. This happened because I was spamming since I submitted it to a lot of jams. Anyway, I apologize and won't spam in game jams anymore because I saw in a video (can't remember which) from a channel called tipstv4you, even though I didn't understand English. So, I messed up in the end. I understood it's wrong and it disrupts players from choosing a good game, as it could tarnish my image and the game's. I've realized this is wrong, I swear. If any admin allows my game to appear on the site again, and if they don't agree with me, I don't know what to do because I'm always putting effort into my game and trying to bring my qualities to it. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you help me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Great Art Poster

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Thank for post, but what do I do to appear on itchio homepage?

One question, How do I make my game named Espada de Sheris stand out on itchio? because I wanted to reach even more people and because someone could add my game to the homepage? maybe I'll stop spamming game jams

Okay, the idea of the game is interesting, I recommend it

It seems to be a promising game, I'm waiting for it to be released, but you could export it on the web, maybe more people can play it (my opinion), I'm also creating a game called Espada de Sheris, there's a page on itchio, if possible, you can play a beta that I made available on itchio

Hello Buyers, I'm Brazilian (but I live in Japan) I've been making pixelart since 2018, I make colorful 8bit style pixelart.

If you want or know someone who needs to pay for a pixelart game graphic, just join my discord: Sket#3815

 My service is $5 per service


How can I revert?

I have a game called Espada de Sheris, I followed the steps to customize the page, do the devlog, I've tried to promote it everywhere and I didn't have any significant results, Do I have to finish my game?

Edit: my game is developments

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Espada de Sheris is an indie game of 2D platformer chapters based and focused parkour where we control a European ninja cat called Kibo, He uses the Espada de Sheris to defeat masked duzkers and save the world in a post apocalyptic 2 world divided by cats and aliens

Game Link:

Game features

  • Parkour Levels
  • Hip Hop Music!
  • Nice Unique Pixel Graphics
  • Easy Character Controls
  • Constant update upto Chapter Five
  • Play now any touch or non-touch screen
  • Free To Play (F2P)
  • Local Multiplayer System

 Visit My @sketBR Twitter page for lastest devlogs


I not add this function of life bar in Espada de Sheris because not a Espada de Sheris proposal, the proposal is be more less hard game vibes

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Okay, very thanks, I dont speak spanish, but Speak native Brazilian-Portuguese, But I live in Japan (is a serious, i not a liar)


Thanks for your help, but it's a bad idea to start a conversation saying that my game is mediocre just because you didn't like the genre, anyway, I didn't really understand the point of the conversation or what you were getting at with this dialogue, but that's okay, I know my game needs to improve by the end. thank you very much for the feed

I understand the gitchs, but I always say: my game is in Non-FullMODE, that is, version under development

Okay, thanks for the feedback, just because of that, my game is mediocre?

But does my game have any chance or is it just a pure waste, I migrated from Unity to Gdevelop to facilitate development, sorry if my game is a pure waste of your time

I agree with your reply

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Is the game good enough ?

Yes, my game is good, you can have fun

Marketing is good but no marketing can save a mediocre game.

I strive to create something of quality

Also what promotional material did you use? was it appealing enough ?

Okay, My text is problem or use social media not correct 

Also are you invested in those communities or you just spam links and pictures ?

It seems like the social network doesn't help me much, it's like the lottery, but or not recommend for correct users

Also did you target the right audience?

It's not there yet, but I'm not going to give up

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Hey readers, well, I have an indie game, but the problem is that I want to make it grow, however, I don't have friends who can help me, and social networks don't work for me In other words, the person sees it and doesn't actually play, and I've tried the forums, but many of them I didn't get many views, I've already tried using discord, but no one sees my game, and reddit doesn't even clear a level. I've already tried the content creators, however, I send them an email, but they even respond, but they don't do anything for me. Also, I don't want to follow trends, I want to grow my game and express myself as a gamdev and pixel artist.

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