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Looking good y'all. Keep up with the great work.

I've been working on a cooking themed game. You'll be preparing dishes from little food people. Here's some noodlesoup.


She looks so cozy in there!


That looks super neat!

Is it going to be more of a puzzle game where you try to find the correct way to cook each dish or more of a customization game with multiple paths?


You'll be following orders on how to make the dishes. The challenge mainly comes from how quickly (and maybe how accurately) you can finnish the dishes.

I'm looking forwards to see how your game ends up, it looks interesting. 

Oh so it's more of a mini-game speed challenge with different grades of success? That's definitely a genre I enjoy. I think that will work really well!

As for my own game, it already looks pretty different from the screenshot I posted. I'll attach an updated visual in the next couple of days.