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Orkhan Nasirli

A member registered Jul 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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funny game :)


I am Orkhan, or you can call me Snake :slight_smile: A GMS2 programmer, currently working on my own game project called Bug Alliance.


Currently having free time, especially weekends and decided to offer a programming service of mine.

Can work on any kind of GMS2 projects, except Adult or Gambling ones.


- Game Maker Studio 2 coding

- GDD Analysis

Rates: 17 $/h


Weekday free time: 4-5 hrs

Weekend free time: 8-10 hrs

Contact me through:



My projects:

Thanks and regards!

need a work? want to increase your portfolio? a great chance, check the description below the post and contact me :)


recruitment still going on if anyone interested


accepted and waved :D

yeah, I have shared it at the end :D 

here you go:


still looking for a 2D Pixel Designer


Please check this project of mine and let me know if you want to discuss further

Hellou Hellou
Do you only intend to work with Unity and/or UE5? Any chance to work with Game Maker Studio2?

If so I got a need for a programmer

I have added you on discord (at least I think so :D)

(3 edits)

Hello Hello

I am looking for someone who could help me create amazing 2D Pixel character designs, tile set designs, and so on for our game.

Currently working on a 2D Pixel art Top-Down shooter.   We have the most concept art and need only to work on the actual in-game designs.

Shortly about the game:

"You are going to use various kinds of Bugs, from ants to spiders and bumblebees (even cockroaches, although I know everyone hates them :D). Each bug will have specific weapons abilities and even powerups.

Well anyway, the idea is that there gonna be various game modes that players will be able to choose from and play. Only one will be available at the beginning, but eventually, we will be deploying updates, well you got the main idea. 

I am sure most of you have played or similar games on mobile. Ours will have close logic but with much more to offer the player.

So sort of you kill, get a powerups (most probably a card system that you choose each wave), die,  and repeat.

Will drop a few images for understanding, do not expect something fancy or elegant, it is WIP." 

Graphics will be changed, these are mostly placeholders

Marketing plans:

Once we reach a certain progress in development, I am planning to create a demo build and put it on OperaGX -  well you know GMS2 linked with it. So it is a great opportunity to get the feedback.


1. Is any REVSHARE available?

Well yeah, I do value the team effort, and the ones who stay with us as LOYAL FIGHTERS will get rewarded for sure

2. What is the current state of development?

Well, the project is pretty new (not the assets, long story, don't ask) and I am the only developer currently (beginner level so still learning). Working on the project continuously and trying to contribute as much as I can. We can say 30-40% of the base game is done.

3. How much do you expect me to dedicate daily to this project?

Well the more the better hah! But, at least 2-3 hours a day would be amazing. As the role is UNPAID, can't ask much :)

4. Can we share the project with friends in case they want to join?

Oh hell yeah, feel free. Share is a care. The more we are the better we progress.

5. What is the genre of the game?

If you ask this, you probably just jumped straight to the end, hah got you! Jokes aside, our game going to be a 2D Top-Down shooter, most probably with a nice cure Pixel art. And GORE, a lot GORE!

6. What is the advantage you have over the existing competitors?

I would say it features my friend and after all, who does not want to use a BUG that they were afraid of in real life, or become a butterfly, huh?

Feel free to ask any questions regarding the project.

Oh and the most important thing, contact information:

email: ||

discord: Orkhan#3708

JOIN now and become a Bug.. oh I mean one of us.. hmm yeah


Hellllloooo everyone!

We are thrilled to announce that our demo has been released and available to play. 

Also we have created a goal that will help us to develop our game consistently.

Feel free to Play, Add to Collection, Comment your feedback and Share with friends.

Appreciated in advance.

About Game:

Bug Alliance is a Third Person Action Adventure game with RPG elements. Choose your favorite bug warrior and join the alliance. Journey awaits you!

Demo link:

Goal Roadmap:

Goal Roadmap

yeah strangely it is solved, thanks

(2 edits)

Hello there,

Recently I added a demo package of my game to the page but when I check seems I can't download.

Any suggestions?

We are working on a PC 3rd person game project of the action-adventure genre with RPG elements.


- previous experience (would be nice to have)

- experience with Unreal Engine 5

- experience with environment creation

- the ability to cooperate and coordinate with other team members

Feel free to contact me for more information regarding both the project and the game.

Discord: Orkhan#3708


All the best!

added you on Discord :)

Added you on Discord, we currently looking for rev share team member to join us on our great journey :)

Have added you on Discord. Would like to discuss our Rock Composer position with you :)

Hey there,

Ent-Re Games is looking for an Unreal Engine developer.

We managed to release a very early demo, you know, 1 mission, 1 playable character, etc

But we need to overhaul the mechanic, aka, fighting system, AI logic, and so on.

  • implementation of playable characters (models are ready for 2 of em, and 1 concept is ready)
  • improvement of AI logic
  • we have quest and inventory assets bought from the UE store, but we need to create our own maybe taking that asset as an example
  • UI implementation
  • Arena (defense) mode implementation

These are the things we plan to do so far.

Feel free to contact me:

discord: Orkhan#3708
game page:
demo page: 

Discord: Orkhan#3708,   Mail:

(2 edits)

Hi, I'm doing Unreal Engine Blueprints programming.

I would like to happily collaborate on various exciting projects.


  • Blueprints
  • General gameplay systems
  • AI : Behavior Tree / Utility
  • UI/UX: Widget BP
Benefits of working with me: As I am QA Test Engineer, you will not only get development success, as well as test of the current state as a bonus of my service.

Contact me for more details or to discuss your project's requirements

Service price is negotiable :)

Discord: Orkhan#3708,   Mail:


Hello there.

We are looking for Unreal Engine Programmer (with decent experience) and Animator (2D or 3D) to join us on our amazing journey.

Our game called Bug Alliance, and it is Top-Down Action genre with RPG elements. It is about the long-lasting war between Bug and Worms, to bring an end to the Worm King - Glutton Tyranny. The main idea is to bring players the most what they liked about other games and the least what they didn't.

Game Page:

We are Ent-Re Games Studio, consisting of more than internation 10 team members. All of us are working hard toward the game development, and the most important is that we believe that we will be successful. 

If you want to be a part of our team, feel free to contact via one of the channels below:


Discord: Orkhan#3708

Or you can comment down below.

Fell free to ask any questions regarding the game or role you are interested in.

And btw, enjoy some of the concept from our development :)

Woops! I am sorry :)
I have fixed the issue and also dropping the ID here


We are looking for Paid 2D artist and Animator. Feel free to contact via one of the above methods to discuss further.

Feel free to contact to discuss the details

Hello there, my friend.

We are Ent-Re Games, newly established internation indie developer studio. Our team consist of amazing and dedicated people who are volunteering in the game project.

Currently, we are thinking to hire an environmental artist who will be working alongside with our Lead Artist and Project Manager (me) in order to create game maps, level props, etc. As we are preparing task list, we decided to look for candidates already.

If you are interested, please DM me on discord:


Or email me:


(2 edits)

Hello everyone.

Kinky Lemur Games Studio is looking for 2D Artist and Animator who will create amazing concepts for our adult action game.

***Note: This position is paid. 

Game Page:

We are an international, friendly, dedicated and hardworking team and always happy to welcome new members.

If you are interested, please contact us via:

- DM Project Manager on Discord: TogayKurtulus#6063. Please share your portfolio as well.

- Comment below and drop the link of your portfolio

- Or if needed email me on:

We are excited for you to join us and create awesome art.

(2 edits)

Hello everyone.

As a newly established indie games studio, Ent-Re Games is hiring a programmer.

Game Page:

Programmer should be able to work with assets and Blueprints in Unreal Engine. We will work together in collaboration to both learn new things and implement those we learned. 

Please reach me out for more details.

Discord: Orkhan#3708


Hey there,

I would like to discuss with you in details

We are currently looking for a sound designer for our game project

Feel free to DM me on discord: Orkhan#3708

or reach me out on email:

We are excited to share our final design of Earth Worm foe - Spitter. There are two variations, with one being the elite type.

Despite being the basic enemy type, they can create a quite tough times for our heroes. Their acid spit will give a nice reason to stay away from it, and if even one manages to get close, spiked tail will teach a lesson to take into account next time.

Hope you like the design.

Follow us and stay tuned for the next updates!

(1 edit)

Helloooo everyone!

We are super excited to tell you about our game.


After the Earth faces the meteor strike, everything changes once and for all. With the extinction of humanity, it leaves its place to a new mutated life. This "New World" is mainly ruled by two forms of living, Bugs, and Worms. Worms are trying to devour nature to feed their greedy King, Glutton. Bugs, on the other hand, pledged to protect nature and the whole living from hoggish worms at any cost. Their alliance is ruled by three Queens, Bastia the Moth, Fertia the Bee, and Martia the Ant. After losing the First Pledge War, bugs are captured, tortured, and enslaved for many years. After many years, bugs finally decide to put an end to the tyranny of the worms, by creating a new secret alliance, called New Pledge, with the mission to rescue their queens and reclaim nature. 

  Planned Features:

  • Various Playable Bug Characters
  • Beautiful and Dangerous World
  • Different specialty and weapons for each bug
  • Various Game Modes
  • and more to be decided together with our great community

Patrons Benefits:

  • Join our Discord Server special for Patrons
  • Get a chance to learn about game news in advance
  • Share your own ideas about the game and have them implemented
  • Play the Game Demo special for our Patrons
  • Receive the game for free on Full Release

We will share devlogs periodically to keep you updated and informed.

You can learn more about the game and how to support us on our game page:

Every and each support is extremely valuable to us!

Thank you all and see you in the next updates

Hello everyone!

We are looking for 3D Modeler who can create awesome designs using Blender or other software.


- Create the model

- Rig the model properly 

Benefits of being in our team:

- international team

- friendly environment

- great experience towards your carrier

- amazing project 

- possible rev-share

Lore: So the game is about the war between Bugs and Worms. According to the story, after losing the first war against the Worms, Bugs now hiding and trying to recover their strength and gather more allies in order to prepare for the second war and rescue their Queens. 

Gameplay: Planned to be Top-Down Action Shooter with the gore and violence. Player will have a chance to both play the story mode and complete various quests and play different game modes such as survival, skirmish. 

Growth: We have launched our Patreon and Ko-Fi pages. Primarily focusing on the Patreon page. As we get the decent financial support / stable income, we first gonna provide support teamwise and hire more professionals in order to grow our studio




If you are interested, you can use three ways to reach me:

- write in the comments

- DM me on Discord: Orkhan (Allrent)#3708

- send me an email:

Afterwards, we can discuss the details.

Join us now and let's create an amazing game together.

Hello there,

We are currently working on a game project. If you are interested, please feel free to drop me a dm on discord or email me.

Discord: Orkhan (Allrent)#3708



Please contact me on discord and tell me more about your project

Discord: Orkhan (Allrent)#3708