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is there a mod repository for Games

A topic by SupremeStudio created 28 days ago Views: 96 Replies: 2
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so I'm working on a new game and I'm planning to add a Map Editor where the user can create any map he like and play and allow him to uploaded so others can play as well. Now on steam i can use their API to use the steam workshop witch allow any steam user to upload/download maps through my game. Is there anything similar on i can use to achieve the same goal?



No, but there's a dedicated section for game mods.

Let me give a more clear detailed answer.

No there aren't anything similar to steam workshop on for the following reasons:

1-On itch anyone can view/download a game even if not registered with an account unlike steam where you can only view game page but in order to download/play you need to do that through steam platform witch will require a steam account so anyone will user steam workshop is register and can be tracked if tried anything malicious on the other hand since anyone can view/download a game that mean anyone can user the map editor in your game and this can be a security flaw.

2-On steam to play the game the steam platform must be  open on your device so the steam API can be initialized on however you can play the game without having the itch app witch if your game has dependency on itch app it will not function properly.

there is something you can do but not sure it will satisfy you can make a separated page on itch and put it under the "Game-mod" category and make any map made by the user pass through you(tell them to send you the map so you can approve it then upload it on that page) hope this is helpful