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Adding a new (Modded) State for Lona

A topic by Marenzio created Jan 10, 2024 Views: 855 Replies: 9
Viewing posts 1 to 6

I'm trying to add a custom item with a mod, which when used should impose a custom State on the player, like MOD_Sterilization etc. I used the example provided in _DEMO_2_ImportNewShit. 

There is relative success: the game sees the consumable item, but after using it, all of Lona's Stats disappear. Example with screenshot:

    ------>     ------> 

Is there any way to fix this?

Here is information about mod:

Developer (1 edit)

item effect isnt hackable throght MOD API for now.
and please confirm, is $game_player.add_state("Mod_expanded") works?

if so  theres only 1 missing part need to handle

Well, the game doesn't seem to see this state. From what I understand, for now, there's nothing to be done about it, right?


my bad... try again with following code


meh... join the discord and offer ur unfinish mod so i can think what should i do in my shitty api 

Unfortunately I won't be able to join via discord as I'm using the 'free' version of the game. However, I can share the archive via file sharing / mirror.

Deleted 144 days ago

Got it.

How did you create the mod? Or rather, how did you get the project to open in RPGmaker? I'd like to be able to do it but... I have no knowledge of RPGmaker.