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Black Hole Incident - Introverted Games-

A topic by Introverted Games created Dec 30, 2022 Views: 182 Replies: 2
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(3 edits) (+2)

Hey Everyone! Thanks for checking out my post. 

I actually have a Dev Blog using the itch system. I just discovered this forum today so I figured why not share on there too?

If you want to check out the game here is a link:

I am still pretty early in development, about two weeks. So far tons of stuff has been done, and feature creep already got the best of me one time. :)

This game has two game play modes:

-Wave Spawner Mode:

This mode is pretty much designed to blow off some steam and enjoy amazing explosions. Enemy ships of increasing difficulty spawn in and try to take you out. Its very much a just see how long you can live, and acquire the highest score possible. Some elements of the main game play mode can be found in this mode however, this is just a wave shooter mode. 

-Objective Play Mode:

This mode is where the main content can be found. You have some free will and can take out targets that are not on the objectives list. Taking out enemy ships not only restores your health, it also gives you upgrades to your weapons etc. In this mode you can explore endless space thanks to a floating origin point system. I added planets and the ability to get out of the ship, however, I had to remove that. I am the main programmer on this project, so scope is ALWAYS an issue. I am not saying that this will not be added back in someday, but for now at least, I had to remove it to make sure I can meet the release date. There is still a massive amount of content, there are huge asteroid bases you have to gain access too, then fly in and take out key targets. You will take out space stations, outposts, capitol ships, etc. Endless amounts of space combat and exploration await you when you discover The Black Hole Incident.

Any and all questions, comments, etc are welcome. Please tell me what you think. Check out my 7 other development blog post. Follow me on Itch if you like. I will see you in the next post.


I like the colorful, stylized graphics. It will be interesting to follow how this proceeds.

Thank you so much for the kind words!! I am hard at work as we speak to get a playable demo out. Anything you would like to see?