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A member registered Feb 19, 2024 · View creator page →

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As a non music producer I can say it is fine for a first time. 

Wow, that's a great idea.

I felt like for a game jam the difficulty should be low so that the most people could enjoy the concepts and I tried giving the player some time to get used to the RICOCHET mechanic. I also made enemies move twice as fast when off screen.

(1 edit)

You mean the enemies walk too slow? Or are their spawns too slow?

maybe you are playing on a weird aspect ratio?


Many thanks for the feedback! I forgor to add level 5 to the build setting so it is unplayable right now :(

Fun concept. The UI is very clunky to use.

Awesome. Art and music is superb! 

I loved it!

First of many :D

Great and well rounded on all fronts. Best i have seen so far :D

The game is too slow. It takes several minutes for the game to pick up.

Whacky controls. You get spawn camped. Holding down a key lets you fly. Too difficult for a game jam.

Ship switching idea is kinda fun. The game itself was a little too short and the enemies felt too tanky.

The death system should be working fine :( maybe you have encountered a bug?


That's the point :D

that really sucks :(

The lack of screen bounds is very frustrating.  The game should pause while the player is getting an upgrade. Nice simple visuals and decent sound

Needs a tutorial. Nice music.

Is there no way to play on mouse & keyboard?

Much Thanks :D

Glad you liked it!


Thanks for the feedback :D. The "dogs" name is grizzbot.

It is very laggy. Art is great. Gameplay gets stale quick.

Feels unpolished / unfinished.

Lacks some sound effects. Too short. Kinda fun.

Thanks for the feedback! I know the game has many issues and the death system has not been made yet. I will be releasing a new game TODAY be sure to check it out!

I know that ammo scarcity is the main issue of the game. Tried fixing it by adding a couple "hot spots" of ammo boxes around the map. Enemies shooting each other would hinder the gameplay in my opinion. Thanks for the feedback.

Art needs a little more work. Good microgames but there is too little of them. The mouse minigame is uncontrollable.

Cool.  Fed the big fish a bunch of miscolored carrots. A little too easily exploitable.  Music is good but lacks sound effects.

Amazing art and good music. Sound effects are missing. Collisions feel janky.

Solid gameplay. The controls are a little hard to get used to but work great when you get a grasp of them. The most unique entry I've seen. Lacks a little in the art and sound departments.

There is not enough space in front of the player to avoid obstacles in time. Music is good but lacks sound effects.

The camera is zoomed in way too close. Sprites are blurry and have many gaps. Cool mechanic with the safes but a bit unclear how to go past them at first. 

Thanks for the feedback.

The ability to exit the tutorial was unintentional. I didn't make it WebGL because I didn't know how easy it was to do so. I will upload a WebGL version after the voting is over.

PS. Good job on  getting 10th place.

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it