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A member registered Sep 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cute game love the idea!

This was fun congrats to the winners!

Bro is cad bane lol.

I like it!

Do you have a backup file?

Thanks! the tradition needs you to push any button to trigger it because it checks if the player is touching it. and the NPCs going off screen are like they walked somewhere else like adding life to the city or leaving.

Happy I could make you smile with my little game!

I am sure you would like my other project "Penguin Quest" it has a style like that.

I like it!

Thanks! I'm still learning the code and hopefully can upgrade engines soon.

It reminds me of Dig Dug

A nice challenge!

Its a cute game I like it!

Cute game!

I like the simple idea!

I enjoyed it even if it is a reskin game.

I followed the theme best I could within the 2 hours spent making it solo. You "Follow" the Bounty all game.

Hey I am a first time jamer in this competition. I have a few Jam experiences and will be a solo developer using scratch because of my old laptop.

Just beat level 10 do you plan to add more levels?

This game took a week while a game i spent a year planning and making with set backs is more broken it was a game based on my grandpas book he asked for a offical game.

Congrats on making it to top 10!

(1 edit)

I was looking for that I only saw 2nd that was why I asked. Sadly I got 65th but Penguin Quest did get a small amount of fans who want to full release so I started on it how did your game do?

(2 edits)

 I am fixing Penguin Quest with a longer story and improved combat so check it out in a few weeks! Also GG this was fun

So who won the Game Jam? 

I plan to add that in the games longer release. 

I am hyped to see who wins tomorrow!

Really fun but lagged a bit.

Was expecting tom nook to show up lol. Anyway fun game!

Update I am now stuck on level 9.

Thanks I made every detail myself using the tools it gave me.

Thanks! Yes I did I use a chromebook and it won't let me use any other engines so until I get a laptop upgrade I am stuck with Scratch forcing me to be creative with how games are made or how stuff looks. 

Thanks after the jam I might make a longer version!

Solid game great job!

Thanks that bug fix did wonders after we was allowed to fix problems.

I was running out of time to choose the right reaper very stressful and fun!

Thank! This was my first RPG so combat needs work after the jam but glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks man!

It should be fixed now while fixing bugs I added a spawn location for the player after battles.

Have you thought about making a mobile port?

Thanks the bugs are fixed and I fixed a part of code that did not want to work.