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anna anthropy

A member registered Nov 22, 2013 · View creator page →

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oh btw i'm also on fedi, there's a link on my profile

That's so cool, thanks for letting me know! I feel honoured.

great! thanks for sharing this.

TOO LATE!! i bought it

this looks cool as hell. i've added your game to the Princess Sword itch collection. thanks so much for sharing it!

thanks for making and sharing this! i'm glad you enjoyed the game. btw, my first name is "anna."

Hi again! The game is published and I would love to give you a copy. Is there a good way to contact you privately? Alternately, drop a line to the email in my previous comment and I'll reply with a download link.

The ambiguity is partly a result of the limited space available in one-page games and partly because I think leaving room for interpretation makes story games more flexible. Ultimately the two players are the arbiters of the experience they're going to have and the stories they're going to tell, so I'm okay with the rules not always being fully explicit about what my intention is. This is one case where I think the ambiguity makes the game better, so I am reluctant to give an "official ruling."

Yours feels like a very straightforward interpretation of the game's language, though!

Thanks! Definitely link the blog post when it's live!

This is unfortunately a problem with old flash games and I no longer have access to a dev environment where I could update the game! So, regrettably, none of my standalone flash games will run on new Mac computers.

so glad you liked it! thanks fer posting yr mech!

thank you!! hell yeah

thanks! if you want a dice-based alternative to coins, you can roll six-sided dice and count odd numbers as tails and evens as heads!

haha thank you, that's weirdly sweet! (the last part, not the stigma around hearing aids) (that part sucks)

oo that feels like a good fit!

hell yeah. fuck yeah


Nice! I'm glad she enjoyed it!

me too! i feel like they probably don't though sorry


Hi! I'm tinkering with a hack of this game and I'd love to get your blessing before releasing anything. I couldn't find any contact information, though. I'm at collectfruit at gmail if you want to reach out!

Thanks for this game! It's an amazing classroom game and I run it for my students regularly.

thanks nar <3 miss you

i don't think it's accessible enough for my 2023 body haha! we should catch up sometime, it's been too long!

this is useful! it is suggesting to me that i need to write a disclaimer haha

oh no did you put one of my fonts on nfts


thank you! i'm still really happy with how this turned out.

The original game in this series, Princess with a Cursed Sword, is free to download! As a fellow educator, though, I'm happy if you want to buy the game and then give copies of the pdf to your students.

This is great! "Abandoned tourist spot" is probably my favorite setting.

Calamity is based on the fact that I have been listening to a lot of dungeon synth lately.

Unfortunately, I no longer have Flash development tools! So it probably won't happen anytime soon. I'll look into it, though!

oops! i didn't even realize there was a mech jam going on right now! i was definitely thinking of the #sadmechjam when i made it tho


thank you!! comments like these are so nice to get

i can't see an image, but the high score table is a little funky yeah.

anything can happen in the vastness of time!

hate (complimentary)

thank you! this was the reaction i was hoping for.

Thank you!

Thank you! I'm very happy with how the design and layout turned out for this very cursed game.

this is great! thanks for sharing it!