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A member registered Oct 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Whoops! That is a problem yeah! I'll make sure to look into it, thanks for bringing that up to my attention!

Thanks! Menus are usually what i leave behind the most, so i wanted to be sure this one looked nice, thanks for noticing!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll try and give the character more... well, character, after the jam!

Lovely game! Its super fun, chill, and relaxing! Its also pretty great how it sort of self regulates if you over saturate in fish, and trying to get all the fishes was pretty fun! I think the plant placement could get some reworking maybe, sometimes I expected to be able to place plants but couldn't, and once a lot have been placed it becomes very weird to try and place new ones. Awesome Job!

Very fun! It feels maybe a bit easy, but maybe i just haven't gone far enough yet! Well done!

Extremely confusing at the start, I had no idea how i was supposed to do anything, but once i understood what the help page and the description said, it was pretty fun, well done!

Nice effects! well done!

Nice and simple, and looks really good, well done! The ramp up in speed is very well made too!

I think it took me a while to understand how to place things efficiently, so i started off struggling to have enough space, or with cards completely hidden behind others, maybe  something to better understand what slots are open in the inventory?

Thank you! I did try and put in music but there wasn't enough time to get it working... thanks for playing!

Very immersive, love it!

Thanks it means a lot!

Thank you very much!

Nice concept and cute artstyle! Has a few issues but otherwise feels nice to play! Nice work on this!

Here are some stuff i found :

-Skipping dialogue mixes the current text with the next one, making things unreadable

-Its possible to fall in the water before getting in the boat, getting you stuck

- jumping from the sand to the wood platform stops you from jumping until you touch sand again

-the boat can get stuck in the sand if you bring it back too far

still, well done!

A really cool artstyle! Had a bit of trouble at the beginning understanding how it works, but its a nice narration! 

Ah perfect! Got it to work then, awesome job!

Awesmoe game! my only gripe would be the inventory system, but otherwise super fun! and great UI management!

Nice! maybe having different speeds/paths for different fish could help make it more interesting!

fun game! simple and efficient! kinda sad though.. poor little blob

Super cute and relaxing! I think there must be something in that food though because some fish started swimming in the air! Very nice job

Nice idea! quickly gets overwhelming after a while

I can't seem to move anything but left or right so i just end up falling right at the start... what are the controls?

i think having the controls somewhere in game would add a lot, that and some sort of indicator when you're fishing, maybe some sort of charging bar to know how long you've waited for good fish! Otherwise, there's good potential good job!

I think i managed to win AND kill ryan, but still 10/10 would drown again! Sometimes the wheel got kinda finnicky to deal with, but it added  a fun level of challenge. Great work!!

I mean this is almost impossible to control, but that makes it kinda fun to see if there are any real ways to get good at this!

Super fun, well done!

Great job! I think there are bugs sometimes when no cards are left at the end of a turn, but otherwise everything works really well once you figure the mechanics!

Great job! I think the perspective effect on the foreground sometimes hid the pellets, but it does add a bit of challenge to find them, so it should be fine

I think the speed ends up making things harder, but still a fun game!

Fun game! I think its possible to sell more fish than we have, which breaks the game a bit, but otherwise its super nice to try and figure out how to catch those fast fishes!

Thanks! Hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much for the kind words

I should have put the closed sprite in the help pages! I'll be sure to fix that after the jam!

I think a nice upgrade would be to disable the buttons once you have purchased the upgrade, right now you can just spam the first one!

(1 edit)

Lovely ! Both in visuals and gameplay! Reminds me of old cast-away flash games

The different objects were very well placed so that it felt natural to explore towards the next one, well done!

There should be in one of the rooms a pile of rocks with lots of bubbles! If you beat all the enemies in that room, it opens up and you can explore deeper! Thanks for playing!

Thanks a lot! I had a lot of issues so yeah, posted late, but thats the rules! Still had a lot of fun tho

Works really well! Having different behaviours for the different bloc types makes it really more interesting!

I feel like the swinging is a bit finnicky to handle, but still very fun! And great puzzle designs!