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A member registered May 23, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yes, you can't move through or end in a space that already has 2 threats.

Hey there!

- No. You get a single instance of each piece of starting equipment near the beginning.

- Not sure what you mean? The RIG Zine is just the digital version in physical format. And the digital version can be bought on this page.

Holy crap that's awesome!

Yes! Part of the Kickstarter for Rig was a supplement called THE GOOD SHIP TAROT, which was more encounters and locations this time aboard a long lost starship which left Recombinant Earth.

I'm hoping to have that done before the end of the year.

And there may be other games set in the world of Recombinant Earth in the future as well ;)


I've actually been thinking about doing a new version now that I've learned a lot more about layout and presentation, and also I have a whole cyberpunk world this could fit into. Probably not this year, but at some point!

Oh heck thanks so much!

Hey there!

Q1: yeah this is indeed an error in the text. The heat vent does not require you to deal damage to clear heat.

Q2: The intro scenario with the starting equipment can be difficult. I did do some tuning with the starting core that does make that encounter challenging. Remember you start with 10 ammo.

Page 13 under Risking it and Risk Rolls:

"Your character can also push themselves by marking 1 stress and getting +1d to the pool before you roll."

Then use the threat described on the Jack entry for that area. So for example if you were in The Firmament and drew the Jack for the threat, the threat would be "Deleted Layer".

Yeah. So if say a target is 1 square away from you diagonally it is actually range 2 away. If the target was 1 square away orthogonally then that is range 1. Referencing the combat grid now: if you were on square A1 and a target was on square E5, that would be range 8.

Remember that all ranges and movement is counted orthogonally, aka you can't move diagonally when determining range.

(1 edit)

Congratulations! Just starting my first session now and would love a table of ship names!

You are very welcome!

That's a good question.

I think the original card tables... should work fine? I mostly streamlined the dungeons in v2 to fit in a printed zine and to cut down on the amount of layout work I would have to do. But to my knowledge it should work out to about the same number of encounters per dungeon, and similar types of encounters. Nothing right off the bat that strikes me as a problem, though it has been a while since I looked at the original rules so, delver beware!


That's exactly what it means! You got it right.

Ah yes, I can see how that would change things!

Hey there,

1) A battle ends immediately when the last threat is destroyed.

2) Yes, all location features (pits, obstacles, difficult terrain) can be bypassed with hover.

3) Most churn etc. make allowances for how location features change or are added, otherwise it is up to you to judge.

4) The way I interpret threat movements is to always move them into spaces that are most advantageous. A certain amount of player interpretation is needed.

My experience was very different than yours, which is as expected. For example I like experimenting with different equipment when I get it and having a mix of different ranged and melee weapons. Other players find one build and they stick with it throughout the whole game. 

Hey there!

Broadly I'm okay with folks translating my work and selling it. If you have specifics please email me at michael @ notwriting . net

Hey! Thanks for the kind words!

Harm Heat means you deal harm equal to your current marked heat, and then you clear the heat.

Hell yeah.

Thank you! In RIG you can use each of your equipment once per round. So for example if you use a die to activate your legs, you can't activate them again with another die until the next combat round. 

Thank you so much for playing it! I'm listening to the episode now and it's so much fun! 

Hahah, well when you do make it please let me know! I'd love to see more examples of this genre.

Same! I decided that instead of waiting I would just make my own.

Thanks again!

Thanks! It's one of the more combat focused games I've made, but the Rune system made it real easy.

It's like I always say: Be the mecha-souls game you want to see in the world! Thank you!

Sure! Send me an email: michael @ notwriting . net and I'll get you set up.

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

The game will be released very soon! Just doing the groundwork to get the itch page set up!

Yes you can make a game based on A Torch in the Dark!

Hey there!

A new version of the game is coming later in 2024, which should have what you're looking for. 

That's very cool! Definitely adds to the difficulty of the game!

Hi there!

I add community copies when folks make a purchase. If there are none available please email me at michael @ notwriting . net and I can help you out.

Thanks so much!


The most fun you can have being a terrible goose. Yes, even more than that OTHER goose game. 

Hell yeah thanks so much!

Sure! Send me an email at michael @ notwriting . net and I can hook you up.

Hell yeah! Glad you enjoyed it.