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A member registered Sep 22, 2014 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

looks fun but the UI is broken on a 21:9 screen (not a big issue but it's my only monitor)

(1 edit)

Install this plugin

Then you can use three.js directly to draw

Here is the documentation of three.js about lines

Hope this helps

The project has a .gitignore file so it shouldn't check the .js files for commits.

I think there is a problem with your git client, but i don't know really, I have never used github desktop, but it can be a config problem with it.

We use ngrok at work, is a simple command line tool that exposes a port on a random url. It does the work

Hi, my name is Nabor, I'm a software developer from Chile and I would really like to contribute to the project.

I'm pretty bad at introductions

Hi! My name is Nabor. I'm a chilean software developer, I do mainly web stuff for work but love making games in my free time.

I haven't completed anything but my new years resolution will be make a game next year.

(1 edit)

Please duplicate the breadcrumbs at the page bottom, it's not a big deal but I'm lazy.