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A member registered Jun 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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It was in the web version when i went fullscreen

I agree that the mushroom RNG was not my favourite but I still had fun with it. And I liked the style and sound. Great job!

Really impressive work! I was surprised to find a game that felt like it had such lore and worldbuilding like this one! 

It's not really my kind of game, personally. The amount of explanation in the tutorial made my eyes glaze over a bit, but if I had more time to sit with it I think I'd appreciate it more. 

Also, the game doesn't scale properly when I fullscreen (it cuts off the side because my screen isn't widescreen) so I had to play in the window and the text was kind of small. Just a small issue that should be able to be fixed pretty easily.

That's a great song choice. That's a really cool song. The controls are hard to get at first but once you get used to them it's very satisfying to speed through. Great job!

Fun game! I laughed when you specified that the otter didn't die, he just went somewhere else. I had some issues with the hitboxes not being able to collect some of the rocks, but other than that I liked it!

Did the fish have varying jump heights? I swear some of the jumps were not a problem sometimes and then I couldn't make them other times. Oh well, it was a fun game and I liked it a lot. I liked the little splash when you landed every time, and I'm a sucker for platformers so I had fun with it! And I know it's from a website, but I really enjoyed the music at the menu. It was so nice.

I had a lot of fun with it! The controls felt a little floaty, although given the setting I guess that's kind of appropriate, haha. The wall jumping actually felt weirdly satisfying. I had a lot of fun with that. 

I don't think I ran into any bugs, but I did get to the top of the big area in level 2 and I had no idea where to go. It took me a while to figure out that I was supposed to jump down and that's where the boss was. So that could maybe be a bit better telegraphed. Also, I'm curious, was there anything inside that box that was on top of that mountain? I saw an opening but couldn't get inside of it because of the spikes.

The trash giving smoke was actually a really interesting idea. As you clean it up the level visually gets clearer, which I thought was really neat. It was a little short on the fish, though. I liked the tuna taxi, but otherwise that was the only fish I saw in the game, I believe.

I really liked it. I had a lot of pufferfishes and it was fun to see them set off at different times. I ended up losing to the final boss, but I still had fun with it.

I was able to get to a level 3 castle and then I clicked off of the game for a second and it crashed. But other times it did just crash randomly.

It does have a few small usability issues. For example, it took me a bit to figure out that I have to deselect the building tile to be able to click on the training building to make a unit. Also, when you click on a unit that you've made it selects the unit and it also opens up the training menu that you have to close. And then the buttons weren't working so I had to use the hotkeys for each button every time (not sure if that was intentional or not). 

Either way, I think it's still fun and has some potential. It does feel a bit buggy, but that's to be expected in a game jam.

Thanks for playing! And yeah, I kind of realized too late that keeping them consistent is important, and then I didn't have enough time to fix it after, so I just left it. Next project I'll try to keep it more consistent.

I love love loved the sound design! It was so chill and calming! And it was fun to go around and explore! My game lagged a ton whenever the shark spawned in but otherwise it was a great experience. Great job!

Ah, nice! I didn't catch that. I might come back to this and explore more, because I didn't see everything, but there's just so many games to play in this jam. But great job! I liked it!

Such a cute little game! I love that you added voice acting in it. Not too many games in jams do that.

I love it! I love the comments! Haha.

It was fun to jump up on those platforms and flop around. And I too jumped over that final bit on the far right.

It's really cute! And I laughed when I hit a rock and the fish went spinning! Great job! And that music is fun

I liked exploring the island and enjoying the chill music. There is a lot of walking though.

I like how chill it is. I liked seeing the different fish you drew!

The screen scrolling is a little difficult unless you go into fullscreen mode, but I had fun with it! And I love that intro cutscene! 

Well, I was able to play it and actually progress. I do like it. It's super slow paced but it is fun to build up the resources. However, it did crash a few times.

Ahh, I see. I think I'll come back to it today after work and try it again. Like I said, I think I would enjoy this. I just didn't know what to do.

For a first game this is pretty good! Keep it up!

Thanks! I'm proud of my music. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for playing!

Yeah, I wanted to animate all of the characters, but I didn't really have the time to do it so I just went with a simple style. Thanks for playing it! I'm glad you liked it.

I think it was clear that you can shoot through the gate. It's just if you let go of the shift button too early  when you're going through it's a little finnicky.

Also, I didn't get that tiger connection, but maybe I'm just a little dense. 

Ah, maybe I could add like a sign or something at the edge of the screen to indicate that you can move a screen over. Thanks for the input and I'm glad you liked it! Funnily enough, reading these comments I think Pearl is a common one to root for.

I really liked it. It's challenging but I beat it. I like these kinds of games. I ended the last day with barely any oxygen left...

Cute little game. I like the idea of saving the fish. I wish you could dash more often though.

I think it's a little too punishing. Having the first upgrade be so expensive and also having a single piece of trash deleting all of your money is a bit harsh. But good job, though. I think there's some potential here.

It's a cute little game. It's very short, but it is what it is with the short game jam time limit. I was worried the third level was too maze-like and open, but then I got lucky and chose exactly the right paths.

I liked the sound effects! Very home-made and cute. It's a nice game. Good job!

I think the game is missing friendly units. I made the training camps but there was no one to use them so it was just me waiting to die when the first enemy got there every time.

I think I'd actually enjoy the game if I could play it, but I think it's missing something (or I'm missing something).

The difficulty ramps up pretty harshly when I got past the snowy area and there was just a big open area with tens of boulders.

But otherwise, good job! 

I liked it! It was a lot of fun! It was kind of weird to have you jump towards the camera near the end where you can't see where you're going, but it still really liked it, though.

I'm not much of a visual novel guy, but it was still fun to go through, though. Good job!

It was weird, the AI scored on itself three times and then suddenly it kicked it up a notch and became a pro football player and I ended up losing! But really fun game, though! And the art is really cute!

The art and sound are great! There's a lot to love here. I was just playing solo so I didn't really get the full experience, though. Also, I kind of wish the arenas were bigger. I kept getting caught on the ceiling, but I'm not sure if the small arenas are intentional.

There's some good bones here. If it got finished I think it would be really good, but obviously there's not really too much here. You just kind of spam shoot and you'll just go forever. I do like it, though!

BTW, I also had an issue where I got stuck on a gate at one point, but it was clearly just because I got out of the water form while I was still partway through the gate, so once I sprayed more water and got back into the water form I was able to get out, but it was just kind of off.

Really fun game! It was cool to jump around and use the water mechanic! I'm curious as to where the tiger came from. Was there a reason for that? It seemed kind of random.