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A member registered Feb 11, 2015 · View creator page →

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doesn't matter for this jam - hardware accuracy is entirely optional
and I think the effects you generate are close enough. Nobody is going to nitpick over it.

Use this free online tool to make NES sfx 

you should be able to make everything you need with this and not have to worry about infringing someones copyright :D

Thanks for the feedback, appreciate it :D

How did I use matterjs in this game? Badly. I find it very difficult to work with, and I could not rely on it to behave the same every time.
Sometimes the vases stay put, sometimes they dance away, sometimes they fall over. 

Thanks, appreciate the feedback.

I knew about the level change bug, but I ran out of time to fix it.
I had keyboard controls originally, but I took them out when I realized the on screen remotes made the whole game work on mobile.

Maybe I'll put them back in at some point.

You're the first to mention the zoom issue, that's definitely something I need to address.

Awesome work! I completed the level, took a while though. The game pace is too slow. Smaller levels would really help this game. Well done!

Tough game! Struggled to get very far, but very cool concept!

Cool concept, but this is a tough game! Well done!

Excellent game. Well made!

Gorgeous graphics, neat interpretation of the theme! Well done. Game gets a bit repetitive and hectic after a while, and I must admit I got annoyed with Luzy when she turned all the devices back on XD

Well done. It speeds up, but even then it was a little repetitive, would love to see more bonuses and levels.

Loved playing this! Awesome work, wow!

Oof, tough game! Love the concept and the graphics! Well done!

Beautiful game, but the controls! What it might needs is a magnet/attract mode on the player so that you don't have to precisely hit the bolts in 3d space, which is really hard, and instead the bolts move towards you when you are close enough. This would probably make the gameplay go from frustrating and hard to fun.

Wow, was not expecting a rogue like flashlight toting game fighting rats, bats and...other things :D

Awesome game, love it!

Beautiful polished, juicy game! Amazing!

Beautiful little game, lovely art and music. I really liked that you needed help from people to get things done. 

Well done. It's a good start. Figure out what the core of the game is and take it from there. Is it a rogue like? Or a puzzle game? A wizard combat dating game? Or something else?

Lovely game, love the graphics. The puzzles are a bit repetitive, would love some variations, and the people got stuck in odd places. Still very good though!

Lovely game, well done! 

I played this on my phone:

Jumping is a pain. It takes 5, 6, 7 tries to time it right and jump one block left or right. Ugh.

The buttons at the top of the screen overlap the level.

What a beautiful game! Love the art and the use of the theme! Wow! Great work!

Made from scratch for this jam. I always use version control to track my work. I actually started with 'powertools', did a bunch of art for that, and that became 'powertools & powertoys' and then I descoped and it was just 'powertoys'. One day I may get around to implementing solving levels with powertools and powertoys.

I've also had a lot of practice with inkscape. And I mean a lot! I was using the first version twenty years ago! 😱

I did consider making the controller free floating and allowing the user to move it where they wanted. Maybe in the next update.
I do hope you learn inkscape, it's an awesome tool and it's really good for creating big graphic assets fast.

This is definitely one of the most creative takes on the theme. Awesome concept. The bird stealing the stone...nah. I never feel like I get a chance to push the rock up the hill.
The fixed version on github has the same issue. Bird is too fast and too often.
I love the holy sh#t and the lightning bolt though.
Great work!

A very colourful and interesting take on the theme. Well done!

Neat game. Well done!

It's kinda of playable with mouse, but yeah, keyboard controls would be awesome. Neat mini games, I love the variety.

the eyes  and the paddle don't move smoothly. They kinda stutter over the screen. Very hard to control. I have to tap a key multiple times to get it to move.

Glad I read the comments first :D There's a bug where you can't always go outside, so I would never have seen the bit with the ghost.  Lucky I gave it a second go. Good work, interesting game. The ghost was pretty spooky :D

Very interesting. The controls definitely need work.

Really neat game, will have to come back and try this one again. Great work!

Interesting game, took a second to figure out I had to collect the little...birds? Creatures?

They sometimes spawn in places you can't get to, so can't complete the level.

Good work though, nice art.

Woah, what a spooky game. Love the ending. The player could walk a little faster and when I switch to full screen mode, the game does not. Good work, lovely art, nice spooky atmosphere

It's very hard to hit the enemies. Also, what are you supposed to do? Good work though!

Very cool, well done. So glad you've got the checkpoints. The pogo jump is a real pain to do.
Good work!

That maze is way too big, I couldn't find anything :D

Lovely game, lovely art, good work!

Woah, flashbacks to Megaman on the NES. The controls are a bit unresponsive and I could easily get to stage 5 by just jumping over the enemies and ignoring them. Solid effort! There was a lot of flashing on the screen  btw.

Look into jump buffering and coyote time to improve the player responsiveness and forgiveness :D

Love it. I wanted to make a game like this for a previous jam, but with pizza. Well done, would love to see you do some more work on this. The game crashed on day 3 for me btw.  Good work.

It's a good start! Good effort!

Love the colourful pixel art! Great work. The combat could be better though.

Gorgeous pixel art! Wow, beautiful game. Had a blast playing this. Quite tough though.

Amazing work!

This game is excellent. It needs a better thumbnail :D