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A member registered May 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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I love this and it's one of my new favorites on the system. The only problem is I want more. That's a good problem! 

Thanks! Take a look at the new trailer. You'll be able to 'Peek' by hitting up or 'Paint' the level in as you go as a mode. I'll rework these into the demo as I finish up the game 😁

i love the booklet and am excited to dig deeper into the game!

4.1.3 has continue and level select options. I'm planning several more worlds, but Pure is the one currently in the demo. 

Note in Demo 4.1.1 I've added Music and a Start Screen. The continue option is not working but will be soon. The World select IS working but further worlds don't exist.. yet 🤣

i love this tons. such minimal and excellent game desig

awwwww yeah

it does!

oh cool looking forward to tha

yay on the update! any chance we could get push/pull on A/B? 

oh cool! That's helpful. i like what's here, but a little more responsiveness would go a long way i think :)

enjoying it. any chance you'll be implementing crank controls or at least ability to reverse? I'm slamming into the exterior walls.. a lot 😂

i cannot quite express how excited i am for this

i want this So Bad!

been loving this game and the soundtrack. worth it in my opinion unless you're just super pressed for space. i've got less than a gig left and am happy with the size. (maybe transfer it over usb tho) :)

It's up now

This was one of my favorite concepts from last year! I'd love to see more of it.

Dropping in here to say this game is very cool and I'm excited for more!

Honestly, visuals aside, the handling of the full context of your setting is calling me to this game more than anything else I've seen. Fantastic.

There's a lot to take a look. Enjoy!

Yup. The only way I could make those genuinely free was to mark them as demos. But it is complete and the others will be the same! Thanks for taking a look 😁

This was one of my favorite games of last year and has been polished up for release on itch. Must Buy! Very cool implementation of asymmetric multiplayer!

New Update! V1.2 is the polished up version

i continue to be extremely excited for this game!

can drop it in via Data Disk Mode. 

i'm... into it

really enjoyed the gameplay and the giant looking at me weird

i'm not going to call this fun because that's very much not the point. outstanding game Ollie

i super hope you do. this is pretty great

i love what's happening here. but crashed on me in gameplay :-(

thanks yall! after voting is done, i'll update with a better version, will remain pay what you want :)

really enjoyed the ramp up of the gameplay

great art! i like how it executes a memory game

this is a fantastic concept that i want a Lot more of!

excellent! brush is MFT (most fun tool)

Hi all! this version of the game is being voted on for Playjam3 so I can't upload at the moment. Later in the game you have to crank FOREVER due to some rough performance. I have an updated version where it is much easier to get past that part that I will update after judging. In the meantime, if you want to play it, message me here or on Discord and I can send over the PDX!

Thanks! My partner Robyn really put in some fantastic work this weekend (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)

yeeees! Between v1.3 and firmware update to 1.13.1 something finally clicked. the game is great and I've had some of those Perfect Pours! love it!

the download still seems to be on 1.1 which again crashes for me (still on 1.12.3). Does 1.2 work? I'd like to see this bear business

also crashed before gameplay on 1.12.3 but i Need some Root Bear in my life