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Lady Tabletop

A member registered Jun 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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awesome! Would love to see the project once it's finished!

haha! I'm so glad you enjoy it!

oh, I'm so glad they worked for you! If you want to commission me for further work, you can email

Played this one on the first episode of S2 Alone at the Table, and it was a fantastic experience. Luka's really created something awesome and therapeutic.

you are too kind!! Something about transient spaces always inspires me. Glad you liked it!

Yeah, that sounds rad!

I'm posting these threads over in the Dice Exploder discord as well for anyone who wants a livelier pace of conversation!

    • Obviously lots of us have already been doing this part of the game design process, but here's an official thread to check in, shout about your progress (or lack thereof), and see how everyone's doing. Feel free to create a thread in the game jam channel for your specific project if you're looking for advice and feedback to be collected all in one place. (This doesn't mean you can't ask for advice and feedback here - it's just a suggestion).

    this sounds very cool!

    Ooh, I love the idea of taking a video game as the base for this jam. Very excited to see what comes of it!

    You can check out the premiere episode of season 3 of Dice Exploder (featuring John Harper of Blades in the Dark and Lasers & Feelings) now on any podcast platform!

    I hope you do too, because that sounds awesome! Keep in mind that you're always welcome to post a draft or ashcan version if you don't have time to finish the game during the jam!

    exploding dice is a perfect choice!

    ooh, fantastic  choice! What particular elements do you think youll use from it?

    A place to spitball about the games/settings/supplements you might explode for this jam.

    Got to play this on my podcast/on stream! Had such a great time, I'll be playing again.

    Played this on a special episode of Alone at the Table!

    That's excellent! Can't wait to see it!

    oh, thank you! The prose in the game was so evocative, it was a joy to play!

    Played this on Episode 14 of Alone at the Table and had a great time! Got to play while I was at the beach for extra spookiness.

    Let me know how it goes!! It was definitely intended to be silly so I hope you have fun!

    How are everyone's projects coming along?

    Thank you for listening!

    I definitely think I could have written myself a sticky note to put on the dash for shorthand referencing instead of my phone's pdf version. It worked out okay since I did intentionally pick an area to drive that had tons of traffic stops!

    Played this on Episode 13 of my podcast, Alone at the Table! Definitely feel like this is a bit tough to play alone in the car - everyone be safe while driving!

    I played this game on several episodes of my podcast, Alone at the Table, while the crowdfunding campaign was ongoing!

    I really cannot speak highly enough of it. Defacing a deck of cards is both catharsis and art; it is game and ritual. There's a hugely supportive community on discord and I love intertwining my character's story with others'! Becky's made something really special here and I don't think I've encountered anything like it in all the solo games I've played.

    Congrats!! So excited to read your submission!

    How's everyone doing with one month down? Does anybody need resources, feedback, editing or layout help?

    (Personally I haven't started but that's just me)

    murder mystery games cast each attendee of an event as a suspect in a murder. Often based on "locked room" mysteries (think Agatha christie), they can span the gamut of serious to comical. 

    Characters each have their own info packet, which fills in the information they know, secrets they're keeping, and might give direction about when that information should be revealed. Lots of variety in character booklets but these are the basics. 

    The object of the game is to find the murderer. Many (not all) murder mysteries have mechanics to facilitate accusing/revealing the murderer, or conditions that, when met, force the murderer to reveal themself

    Helpful Links:

    It's a Me, Murder by Kristina Marina (the game is free)

    Playthrough of It's a Me, Murder by the Moonshot Network

    Wikipedia definition of murder mystery games

    Fun List of other free murder mystery games

    What's everybody thinking about writing?

    Part 2 is up! I'm having so much fun playing this game!

    We played this game for an episode of Alone at the Table!

    I love this book, and that's coming from someone who hardly ever buys system agnostic stuff. The NPCs are so distinct and alive! I love the author's prose. Definitely check this out if you're looking for interesting NPCs!

    I played this game for my podcast, Alone at the Table! It's Episode 8.

    It was so fun! I was cracking up the whole time, the dice were very unkind to me. I did play more later and survived four nights before the bear ate me.

    Played this game on my podcast, Alone at the Table! Definitely will be playing again.

    I hope you enjoy! Shang is a himbo, too

    I'm playing this game on my podcast, Alone at the Table, and releasing each season as a separate short episode. Really enjoying the game!

    Thanks so much for the detailed reply!

    I've mostly focused on the Skill Dice Degradation. I made one of the failure conditions (the "less bad" one) only result in no clue, not dice degradation. It had the intended effect of making "winning" easier, but as I mentioned, some folks wanted more difficulty! I'm considering adding a "how to make it harder" optional rule and this breakdown really helps.


    Loving everyone's games so far! Has anyone done the math on the degrading dice to see what can increase/decrease difficulty? I've gotten feedback from a few people who've played my submission stating that they felt it wasn't hard to make a successful deduction. Ultimately, I did want this to be the case, since tonally my game is more of a "kid detective" thing than something high stakes, but it got me thinking about ways one can increase/decrease difficulty in this system!

    I played this game as a solo game on episode 4 of Alone at the Table! I had a ton of fun. Here's my playlist!