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A member registered Jul 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing and GJ for reaching the end!

Thank you for playing! Yes, the drift is often times a bit too much, I think I kind of overdid it because I just love drifting so much! Will improve in a future update.

Thank you for playing! Yes, I was not fully satisfied with the camera, but I couldn't really put any more time into it during the jam and figured it was "good enough". In terms of getting lost I think the bigger mistake was that the path isn't clearly visible at the start of the track, which would have been an quick and easy fix...

Thank you for playing! Yes that last turn is pretty brutal and will be improved in an update after the jam :)

Interesting game. The concept of switching between 2D and 3D definitely has potential!

Wow! Pretty much a perfect little game. I absolutely love the blubbering sound on the boosted jump. Phenomenal job!

I totally get it... towards the end of this jam's development time I actually thought about making parts of my game harder, because they just felt boring to me. If I ever participate in a speed jam again I will make sure to have multiple levels with increasing difficulty.  I think if there's at least one level where player's to be able to get onto a leaderboard it makes it way more likely for them to stick around and play more.

E.g. I was very close to giving up on the last jump of your game as well. I think I had to put in close to 20 minutes, which tbh most people simply won't, especially not if they don't feel like making progress. Most players probably won't even try on the same level for 2 minutes, let alone 20 :D I'm sure it's very similar for my game, so this was a big learning for me.

Just noticed that I seem to have accidentally deleted half of my last sentence in my previous comment and it didn't really make any sense. Fixed it now... Fyi it was that everything was perfect except for the theme connection.

Beautiful game with a movement system that takes some getting used to but feels very nice once it clicks. Pretty much a perfect submission in my eyes.

Though you might have made the same mistake as me in making the ending of the game so hard to reach that most people stop playing before being able to get a spot on the leaderboard.

But I did not only finish but then also went back to improve my time to about 50% of my first try. You can really feel yourself getting better at maneuvering the koi the more you play. Great job!

Guess I'm just too stupid. Can't figure out how to light even one match, so I can't really say anything about the gameplay, but the visuals are great. Good job!

Visuals are truly awesome. I saw the DKC influence straight from the Thumbnail (and now that I look at it in the title as well, lol) and was pretty hyped, but I wish I had felt it more during gameplay. The roll attack and enemies did feel familiar, but the overall game feel wasn't really there for me. But I'm sure that's hard task, so no shame in not matching the feel of such a legendary game :D

I feel like the wall jump could be improved a bit. I personally don't like wall jumps where the wall jump will fail if you input the opposite move direction a frame too early. You already addressed the camera in the description, so I'll keep it at that.

All this being said, it's a cool game and lots of potential. Good job!

Btw, I initially also thought about making a DKC inspired game for this jam, but it would have been based on the barrel shooting passages instead.

Thank you for playing! Yes, I figured I'd use the additional time from the server outage to add some menus and stuff. I also figured that if anybody truly were to try and speedrun the game they might want to mute the single music track while still being able to hear the SFX.

The presentation is absolute top notch. The game feels even faster than it truly is because everything looks and feels so juicy.

The gameplay never truly clicked for me. I don't know why, but I often times messed up the dash direction because my brain somehow couldn't handle permanently holding right and only momentarily holding up or down. To me this should be an autorunner (I don't see why you ever want to stop running to the right) and maybe even allow to control the dash direction precisely with the mouse instead of just 3 directions.

All that being said I want to make it clear that the gameplay was not bad, but I kind of wanted it to be great and not just good, so it would be on the same level as the presentation.

Very cool game! Swinging felt great, but I still don't really know how to tell when I can grapple something and when not. Presentation is also very nice and it's an interesting combination of 3D and pixel art. Good job!

Cool game! The gameplay is nothing too special, but executed well and the visuals give it a very nice atmosphere. Good job!

Thank you for playing! I used the additional time granted to us by the mysterious server god to give the UI the attention it usually doesn't get from me during game jams. So thank you for noticing :)

Thank you for playing! I'm gonna release an update that should improve the difficulty problem quite a bit once the rating period is over.

Pretty much the perfect submission! Challenging enough on the first run to be interesting but not so too hard to the point that you want to quit. I think this will be perfect for people to speedrun! I also played a few runs with the goal to get my time to sub 200... got a 199, so I'm gonna quit it for now :D

Oh and I forgot to mention: You packaged all this into a unique colorful artstyle with the fitting wacky music... Phenomenal job!

Cool game! Why do you make me see the little birdies I've killed because I'm so bad?! I think I'd prefer it if not all ceilings and especially walls instantly killed you and it would fit the mood a bit better. But apart from that: Gameplay, Art, Sound are great. Good job!

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Wow! Gameplay, visuals, audio... all around awesome game! The main mechanic is just perfect for speedrunning and even though I suck at shooters and have no chance to get on the speedrun leaderboard I managed to tie the #1 on the score leaderboard!

To me the only thing stopping this from being the perfect submission for this jam is that the connection to the theme isn't the best. Great job!

Thank you for playing! Old skateboarding/snowboarding games were a big inspiration indeed (think THPS1 & 1080 Snowboarding), so I'm glad you said this <3
I really should have just made the path a bit wider... next time I'll try to get some external feedback before submission is due. Playing/Testing the game so much during development you get kind of used to and blind towards the small issues/difficulty (fun fact, in German there's a word for this: betriebsblind).

The game feels great to play, looks and sounds good as well, but it's sooo hard. The very punishing nature (1 hit = death) makes it very rage inducing which might be by design, but I just couldn't handle it. Lots of potential! Great job!

I really like the style and environment of the game. The jump mechanic feels good as well. I didn't make it to the end, but just short of the third level (if the character had hair, I'm sure the hair would have touched the next level :D). I kind of feel like you need something to do while in the air because on the higher jumps the game is kind of just mostly waiting. Lots of potential. Good job!

Cool game! When jumping off from a wall or the bottom of a platform the character sometimes just kind of drops which can get a bit frustrating in a game where a tiny mistake usually means restarting the level. In the same vein I feel like being able to adjust your trajectory just a tiny bit after launching would make reduce the amount of close misses and feel great.

I did not manage to beat all levels (yet), but I got on the leaderboards for some and had lots of fun. Good job!

Thank you for playing! Respawn not resetting your timer is intended as it will respawn you at the latest checkpoint. To reset your timer you have to restart the full race from the pause menu.

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Very cute! The movement feels a bit clunky at times, but the movement mechanics are interesting and finding spots to go further up is very fun. Good job!

Now that you say it. Less/no drifting when riding slowly would probably be a big improvement for most people starting the game. I usually try to ride as fast as possible at which point the drifting feels great.

Like you say in the description, I totally see (not really) how it definitely fits the theme, but apart from that it's a cool concept with a cool presentation and well polished all around package. Good job!

Thank you very much! I was originally thinking of going a different direction with the art style, but I wasn't satisfied with the visuals I got from other more standard terrains and then really liked the low poly style.

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Wow! I have played tons of Sliding-Block type puzzle games during lots of gamejams, but never would I have imagined one being this fast paced and juicy. Fantastic job! 

Cool Jump King-esque game! The visuals are almost too good (I might be a bit jealous...) Great job!

Thank you! If I ever continue working on it, I'll be sure to improve the camera.

Thank you! I think I kind of figured the camera was "good enough" because I, a) know the track pretty much blindly, because of testing/playing it so much and b) the camera issues are way more apparent when moving slowly, which I rarely do (see a) :D)

Thank you very much! Though I am very pleased with how the bike controls, I admit that it might take some time to get used to. I invested a big chunk of my dev time into the bike controls, so much in fact, that I probably got very used to it while testing and didn't really anticipate the players' struggle.

A tutorial-esque additional race track was literally the next thing on my ToDo-List, but my time kind of ran out. The prolonged submission timeline would have probably been enough, but I had other obligations... Maybe after the rating period!

Very simple concept that's beautifully presented, good job!

Thank you for playing! Yes, I kind of regret not adjusting the road color in the start area a bit more. The contrast increases as you go further up the mountain, but the start could definitely be better.

Thank you for the kind words. Just played your game and it's very cool, so good job to you too!

Very cool concept! Even though I think the layout itself is very simple it took me quite some time too find the path due to twist.

Also a great example of "easy to learn, hard to master" als the spikes aren't really any danger when slowing making your way to the end, but are very tricky when trying to get a fast time. Good job!

Seems like I truly underestimated the difficulty after playing it so much when building the mechanics. I'll have to get some more testers/feedback next time.

Thank you for playing! You should actually be able to play it with a controller even in the current build. Yes, the html build sadly has a few issues that I wasn't able to fix in time. Same for the checkpoint size/visibility. I might to continue working on this in the future...