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A member registered Oct 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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well that's swell of you! lmk if you have any issues buying it (maybe I should be more embarrassed to admit this but no one has, yet) because I've run into an issue at least once in the past where itch turned off my payment processing w/o telling me.

Thank you so much, but my sound and music needs are very much covered. Please do check out the game!

Hi GarmdGriek, the beta (the 'new build' I've been 'releasing soon' for uh, several months) is finally live! If you want to just buy it, you can definitely do that. If you are willing to commit to beta testing the whole thing and giving detailed feedback, I can also hook you up with a download key. Just let me know where to e-mail it or otherwise send it to, apparently itch won't let me link or send download keys to itch accounts, it just provides the URL.

I know but maybe try and sprinkle some constructive feedback in there on what could be improved or maybe even how, in your opinion? just a thought.

regardless of if you are saintedly and indisputably correct (just downloaded I haven't tried it yet), this is a truly excessive level of dickery to direct towards a completely free game that cost you nothing

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"Needs more anarchy" is a weakness of the game I'm extremely keen to address (it's an issue I've been thinking about for some time), but I'm not entirely sure how best to address this. I'm not too sure what adding more anarchism looks like for this or really any game, especially in any mechanical sense.

Refining and editing and expansion ( a lot more setting info) all need to happen before I'd consider this a finished product too, along with art and layout. No idea what the time table is for any of this, honestly, but I'm glad I finally published what I had and happy to hear you like what's there. is the videogame counterpart of this project, by the way. Well, the second latest iteration of it, any way,

holy heck this is freaking GORGEOUS! great stuff!!

Extreme gratitude to the wonderful and sainted folks who actually paid money for this rather rushed teaser/hella late jam entry!

Hey, I'm just checking that this text about late submissions from the rules page is accurate:

- Following the conclusion of the concept jam, this jam will run for a month. Submissions are due on the 1st of February - late submissions are completely acceptable, but require an admin to post. 

because the 1st of February bit is clearly carried over copypasta from a previous jam. Thanks!

"Pay What You Want", what Itch calls "name your own price".

yo this absolutely fucks, thank you so much for putting it on PWYW

thanks for the splodies!

actually this shouldn't be necessary, at least not for MV. unless this column on the system tab of the DB just does nothing, I haven't checked recently but I wouldn't put it past them.

I remember playing this way back in the day!!

this is a great game i ate like 15 whole skeletons

Thanks so much for the quick response.

Yeah the PNGs all have a solid black background for me (and I think probably for everybody). Fortunately, my fuzzy select tool was kind to me and it was easy enough to crop out the black background and I was still able to use the assets. This is what I've been cooking with them, if you're curious:

psd opened w/o any layers for me. this problem might or might not be on my end, can't afford photoshop and sometimes Paint.NET works for me and sometimes it doesn't

Nikita, did you know that a streamer has made a MUSICAL ADAPTATION of sorts of this game? It's as wild as it sounds: 

holy Aeon Flux, batman! great stuff!

what program are the atlas JSONs written for? what data do they contain exactly? this seems like a super cool asset but it could really do with some documentation. right now it's an impressively large but kind of mysterious collection of files.

how DOES one get the animations? or are they just not for sale?

howdy! I'm not sure if this is covered by the license, so I'll take this comment down if you want, but I'm taking my first baby steps towards learning to animate and I made a 10-frame reload animation for the sawn-off I thought people might find useful.

do you have a spritesheet? it's generally very hard to use a gif in game development.

would you mind if I were to convert one or more of these into 2D spritesheets (I'm not sure if it's even within my ability) and reuploaded? only if you don't plan on making a 2D version of these yourself, of course.

incredibly high quality stuff! reminds me loads of katana zero and impressively, is of comparable quality (and imo that game is GORGEOUS)!

will buy this whether or not i've a use for it if I can actually make a whole $3.00 of disposable income from gamedev lol 

hey you make a ton of really cool stuff, I just wanted to let you know this is advertised as "basement enemies" and the file download says "basement enemies" and the url says "basement enemies" but for some reason the tab itself is called "basic enemies" in my browser. not sure if that's a useful bit of data or not.

Is there any plan to update this for Godot 4.0 and later? If not, has anyone undertaken work on Dragonbones integration for Godot 4.0 and later?

I played this with a SNES controller too! 

why doesn't itch have reviews again? this would have made a good one.

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assuming that's the ending (I only sat watching a few hundred cycles), this was a true work of fucking genius. very impressed that it accepted input correctly from my kind of cheap/bootleg ps4 controller correctly right off, and then ran clean in a browser window without issue. throughout I found myself wanting the hallmarks of SNES era beat-em ups, I wanted to pick up office chairs and wail on people or do throws or even see if things would escalate to real weapons and guns which often featured in SNES era beatemups. Guard seemed very iffy but it doesn't matter since I don't think you can lose which I feel like this was the one time in one thousand where I'd argue that a game having no lose state is absolutely the only correct artistic choice. 

The final boss...I will not spoil the final boss. 

Oh, I must know! The CEO's voice, is that AI? If it is, it is an artistically unassailable use of AI IMO.


But may I offer a little "protip"? Please put your name or contact info LITERALLY ANYWHERE in your asset pack. Thankfully these weren't difficult to find because I didn't change the original folder name. But you forgot to credit YOURSELF in the useful sprite frame guide or the promo image included with the download.

I could probably provide not just several ideas but also point to some neat potential sprites for 'em, if you want. Oh, and this just occurred to me, but actually being able to toggle the firing mode (in the more technical sense, I'm a bit of a gun enthusiast) of the weapons would be swell, like you could toggle the SMG between Semi-Auto, Burst Fire, and Full Auto, for instance, although that might be tricky to program the controls for.

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I forgot to mention this bit in my comment but even before I played this, it reminded me a lot of this really interesting YouTube video I watched recently about how improving video game graphics is really about dissolving the boundary between the player and the game world, that starts off and ends by comparing game consoles to a Ouija board:

this was pretty great. testament to the sheer bonkers amount of good games released for this jam that I dind't even notice this until now.

I love the premise of playing as a psychic gunslinger doggo, I just wish the enemies I was killing weren't also dogomorps, killing doggos makes me sad. Gameplay's real solid, good sound and feedback on the guns, really like the game over music. I wish there was any way to make the move speed a little faster, like an upgrade or something, you're very sluggish. Collision of enemies with the player felt wonky and feedback is very unclear on when you're being damaged/hit by an enemy. Felt like sometimes I could pretty much just run through enemies and other times I was just suddenly dead. But I'll play more of this if I find the time, I'm late to the party and just starting to see how Vampire Survivors-like/"bullet heaven" games can be addictive.

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well as I kind of expected, this was brilliant, and its vibe sitting at the sweet spot between cute and spooky was just immaculate. I did find it a bit buggy, in particular collisions inside of the "old game cartridge" were weird for me, as sometimes it looked like I'd gotten the correct Sadako Teleco to the correct teleporter pad thingy but it didn't fire and instead I fell off the world, and other times it looked like I'd clearly missed the pad with one or more Telecos and was going to fall off, but instead I got teleported like I needed to.

I love the music, the writing is very good, I'm super impressed by the weird interpolation of 2D and 3D graphics. as someone just learning Godot over the last few months, I'd just about kill to get a look at the source code of this and figure out how some of the neat visual tricks here and the general integration of a 2D game scene inside of a 3D game scene were pulled off.

idk if ratings even matter anymore at this point, it's very strange, but I gave this game easily the highest rating I've given out yet.

This game is pretty brilliant and I love its vibe. The premise is beyond clever, the music and writing are great, and the use of 3D and 2D elements in concert with picture-in-picture viewports and screens within screens isn't quite like anything I've seen before. You can bet your sweet bippy that I'd be down AF to play a full length game based on the premise of acting as a digital/analogue exorcist/psychopomp.

I like having the crunch, honestly! I'd use this, and it's vanishingly rare there's any 5E homebrew I didn't make that I'd say that about. Because it really comes up a lot!   Like the Irish (I'm allowed to say this) when D&D characters aren't fighting, there's a good chance they're drinking.

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dwarf bonus not the highest? i call bullshit. they literally do not drink water unless hospitalized from an injury. otherwise they consume only booze. if for some reason warforged can drink AT ALL, and not just like, combust the alcohol in an internal ethanol furnace, then dorfs should drink them under the table.