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A member registered Sep 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Haha yeah, none of us have made anything involved with film for like 2 years before this so was pretty jank

You definitely should! Really fun experience

It's just the timings of rmcc was a bit off with this songs release, but full thing is released now on YouTube :)

Agreed there, reason there's so much though is cause I had to replace the flute that was there before hand cause that went over the limit and just didn't change the settings lmao

Thanks, true it's a bit tricky to get the erhu to work but sounds beautiful once it's done 

This sound like a really fun concept! just sent a friend request on discord

Nice game, super addicting honestly and kinda reminded me of "getting over it."

One thing I wished was more obvious were the hazards, wasn't totally sure what were and weren't going to send me back, but otherwise good work!

Yea it was that right wall at the start, did play through quite a bit and had fun!

nice work with what you made in such a short timespan, good job!

Hey, loved the concept for this game. the minimalist style was nice and the sound fit well with the visuals, although over some time the colour palette started to feel a bit stale

Hey nice work on finishing the jam! I had an issue where I got stuck on the green wall and couldn't turn at all, music was great though 

very clean and polished game :)

very nice, really loved how you could experiment with the different attacks before each fight but only figured that out in the 3rd fight cause I wasn't reading lmao

Really loved the art for this, the boss attacks themselves were just challenging enough too nice work!

Nice concept but felt a little flat, loved the control scheme though very easy to pick up :)

I love this so much what, the short lead in with the guitar every drop is crazy good to hear

Hey really glad you liked it! Pretty sure it's mostly just on the pluck in that upper register, but also had it in the 2nd build up as well as a VERY modified version at the end with the funny panning

I think this is some kind of wave? But no clue really, genre was kind of an after thought lmao glad you liked it!

Really love the sounds you've made with this, especially the flanger effect on the main synth. Agreed it is very repetitive, could most likely benefit from having some variation in your percussive section as well as faster progression of sections cause to me it felt like it very slow moving

Really liked the panning you have on those plucks throughout the track!

This is really nice to listen to! The contrast between the pizz strings and the wobbling oscillator mixed in with those organs is really interesting to hear and flow very well.

Really loved the melodic movement you have throughout this whole track, feels super animated and chaotic

SO GOOD! Feels like a fusion Hollow Knight track, if you don't mind who made that cover art cause that picture really fits this theme well

 haha yeah had a lot of fun writing it, glad you liked it :)

(1 edit)

Hey! I'm a composer looking for a team to write some music for, I've got experience in writing music for short films and miscellaneous indie games. I write primarily piano focused pieces, with a strong interest in electronic fusion with more traditional instrumentation.

Below is a link to my portfolio/ channel, where I post most of my music (or can just look up foster stone music)

DM me on discord if interested

discord: santospatel