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Thank you for the kind words :)

The art style is marvelous here what the heck, both in the levels and in the story book! Music is also a banger :D Some sound effects would've been great, maybe for next time :) 

Very original entry, I like the idea although I'm not really good at the game. The music and the art style are superb! Great job overall keep it up :)

Super happy to hear, thank you for the comment :D 

Thank you so much! Yes I understand, we went for time based because it is easy to measure and make a leaderboard out of. The shackle throw is distance based though!

Very good game, polished and fun to play! Great work :)

This was fun! I liked that I had to compromise between speed to escape the boss and accuracy to not die. Keep it up!

Thank you for the nice comment and very detailed feedback! If you missed naming your character, launching the game and just picking a name and pressing start will update your name in all the leaderboards :) But you're right it should've been blocking the button until the Input Field was updated!
I completely agree with your feedback, we lacked a bit of time to manage to add the mini game selection feature

Once again thank you for playing!

Hahahaha I laughed a lot imagining you throwing the balls at the guy XD Yes I thought about having a way to practice the minigames, but we really lacked time unfortunately! Thank you for the nice comment :)

Super fun! The pace of the game and art gave me vibes from McPixel which I absolutely love :)
I've managed to get to the boss but failed there unfortunately, also got destroyed by the cats every time!
We also made a couple of minigames for our entry, if you want to check it out! 

Always fun with a grappling hook, also the game was really smooth in general. I would've liked an easy mode because it felt a bit punitive, but otherwise great work!

Dude this was a lot of fun! Both building the ship and driving it were very satisfying :) Nice music as well, overall a great entry! 
Also I'm glad I've made it to the podium, for now at least :D 

Really fun and creative idea yopu've got there, I laughed out loud when I've heard the SFX!

Yay I'm top 1 of the leaderboard, for now :D Super cool idea, when I first saw the theme of the jam I knew some people would go for stuff related to the escape key, but I didn't expect to go fist fighting with other keys! It's also really cool with the big enter key and print screen :)
It felt like it was a lot of grind to get the other weapons though. But aside from that great entry!

Simple concept but well executed imo! Good job :)

I got a little bit of issues aiming correctly :/ But I really liked the art and the overall mood of the game! Keep up the good work :)

Loved the music, it's really fitting the game! And steering the ship was also satisfying, good job :D

Really fun little game! Scored 31k in medium mode :D Controls are super easy to pick up and music is catchy :) Keep it up!

I really like the style you went for :) My reaction time sucks though so I didn't got very far haha

Fun idea! I got a bit frustrated because I got my assed kicked by the same skeleton haha, but I really liked the feeling of jumping up when beating one :) Very nice art for the background as well

Super glad to hear :D Thank you!!

Nice job! I really liked the skybox and the particle effects :) Got 730 highscore, what is everyone else getting? 

Thank you so much! Yes it was hard to fine tune the basketball, I should've made the collider a little bit smaller. Glad you liked it :D

Fun game! I laughed the first time I got shot because of the contrast with playing a little mouse and the happy music and then BOUM you're dead haha

Very fun and addictive! Got a bit frustrated over the keypad but otherwise great job :D The music is really on point for that kind of game!

I loved it! The art style is amazing :D I would definitely play a game like that on mobile! Awesome work for a 3 days jam really

That was fun, although I was terrible at it I enjoyed it! 10/10 background image

Really good concept! The death animation when you fall down is soooo smooth :D It would've been great if it was possible to hold "wasd" keys to move faster. Great work props to you :)

I don't understand what I'm supposed to do, and when I press the tutorial button nothing happens?  

Awesome game! The controls felt so good I just started driving around just for fun before playing the actual game haha

Fun game, I love VS so this hit home :) I think it would be nice if the leveling would scale and be harder to get with time. But really great that you got all these mechanics in with so little time. Keep it up!

Fun game, I love VS so this hit home :) I think it would be nice if the leveling would scale and be harder to get with time. But really great that you got all these mechanics in with so little time. Keep it up!

Fun game, I love VS so this hit home :) I think it would be nice if the leveling would scale and be harder to get with time. But really great that you got all these mechanics in with so little time. Keep it up!

Nice game! I've finished in 1:40,  how is everyone else doing? :)

Super fun! I like that you can take a lot of risk to try and milk out everything from a planet but of course then you might not make it back. Really impressive in 72h great job :D

As others have said it would've been a lot nicer with some sound and art but I liked the concept! Although it felt terrifying in the end being cornered by all the enemies haha
Keep up the good work :D 

Ah sorry about that, good luck to you as well!

Hahaha yes the basketball game is very hard, it was tricky to get the physics settings correct on this one! Thank you :D

Thank you we're glad you liked it! :D

Cool game! I really like the art and the variety of enemies and souls to collect! Good job :D