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Daniel Ebenezer

A member registered Oct 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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The game was fun, and does look good. But i got confused when the player moved on WASD, because in the help page, it said ZQSD to move

The game does give a sense of calm, love the little cutscenes in the middle as well!

The game looks good, the audio suits the game well. But the game was a little too easy for me, i just kept going and didnt find it challenging after the first minute or so, maybe adding some extra features for the main boss would help!

Great job! Feels simple yet polished game! Went back my to GTA san andreas days after trying to scan the files!

Great game!!! but it took me a while to figure out what is going on, and what each elements do, but it definitely was fun!

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Super engaging game! The art, gameplay and audio gel together really well to make it an incredible experience. 

Thanks a lot! All of the art were outsourced though! :D 

Thanks for playing! We are working on the bugs you mentioned

I understand! I should add controls for attacking using just the keyboard as well! The enemy bug had to do something with the collider, we fixed that! Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks! We will enhance gameplay as we playtest more often and refine the settings

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Thanks for your feedback! Yes we did notice that bug and we are working on it

Thanks for playing! Yes, we are working on the audio as well

Neat concept, but it was toooo short! Art and audio were good too.

Interesting concept, But I found it hard to play because it was a bit too quick for me, maybe having a difficulty option where you can adjust the time to press button accordingly would've helped. And the Ui was all over the place too, i think the issue is with scaling to different resolutions. 

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Loved the gameplay and art! Took me a while to get used to the controls but it was great!! Noticed a slight bug where at the start of the game when i clicked space the player went underground and couldnt come back up , but it worked fine when i restarted. 

Thanks for your little help at the end of the game, will work on fine tuning the settings to make it a slightly better and polished version

Thanks for your valuable feedback!

Thanks for playing! Planning to work on it once the jam finishes to fine tune the settings and fix the bugs! Let me know if you can suggest some other features you would like to see in the game

Interesting concept! Playing this from work haha , Art can be better and we noticed a bug where initially the game doesnt start unless i press on S for some reason ?

Hey thanks for your feedback! We noticed the enemy bug you spoke about, something wrong with the players collider and the enemy's reacting to it, and the player settings is not ideal because we didnt playtest it properly, and the player feedback on hits and enemy's hint before their attacks. A lot of fine tuning is required and we are working on it.

Great showcase!! The particles and animations blended really well. I liked the night vision post processing effect when I entered the room, well done.

Great effort!! Shadows, collisions work really well, My favorite part was the water area where the water reacts to the player and the ripple effect is present

Good game, love the art style!

Pretty simple concept and fun to play! 

Pretty simple concept and fun to play! 

Hey, thanks for playing the game and taking your time to provide feedback! We did think about that initially, but we already made a game with a similar concept, so we decided to go with the other side of the coin. I dont think your inputs are wrong, its just another way of looking at it and do play my other games in my page if you have time ! :D

Thats true, All the bestt!!

Great mechanic, love the visuals. Awesome game overall!

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Thank you ! We are looking to add more levels.

Awesome game! Loved the mechanics and audio. Congrats on your first game jam game!! Hope you do many more!

Great game! Incredibly challenging and fun to play!

Thanks for the feedback! :D 

Thanks buddy!

Thanks for your feedback!

Thanks for your feedback! We will fix them soon!

Great game ! The particles and other effects make the game look really good!

Yes as i said its not a 100% complete :(  we still have a few bugs to fix and assets to add which we will add pretty soon. Thank you for playing!

Thank you! Your game looks amazing too!

Yes we are adding a few assets for the weapons and environment. Thank you!

Awesome game! Looks amazing <3