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A member registered Jul 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really like the colors and artstyle. Was confused at the beginning why nothing happened after I killed the guy. The sudden voice surprised me, but after it stopped I didn't really know what to do. Do I just wait? I can't really go anywhere or interact with anything.

I love collecting money. Does anything happen after the red ball? Or is the ending where you fall the only ending?

Liked the atmosphere, but it feels like there's a big bug in the game. Every time you take a ladder, you have to pay for it again. So the only way to get to the top is to just grind outside until you have enough scrap for the whole building. You can't do it piece by piece.

Fun little platforming game. Didn't really get how the purple platforms worked for a while tho. 

Nice little game. Found it a bit challenging, but was able to beat it. I got stuck on walls sometimes but that wasn't a big deal.
Sometimes the black blobs would blend in with the black backgrounds, which was confusing. Adding an outline to their sprite would fix that.

Nice hand-painted artstyle.

The next step would probably be adding sounds. Having a list of all the endings you've found so far would also be nice.

Great art and atmosphere. The whole idea of the game is unique and interesting.
Dying during the night seems to be bugged though. You just die and can't do anything, constantly being attacked by the monster.

Simple nice detective game. I'm not very good at it though. Got it on my third try.

Simple fun fishing game. Step 4 in the description said 'Money' but I didn't see any money in the game.

Great artstyle and general atmosphere. But I wasn't able to test out the game with multiple people.

One of the best games I've played in this jam yet. The combat feels juicy and the abilities are great.

Nice touch with the adaptive music.

Interesting idea. Seeing I'm the first person to kill, eat and slap the fish makes me feel like a terrible person.

The atmosphere and art is really nice. The idea of a fish-apocalypse with garbage laying around and skeleton-fishes chasing you is quite original.

Yeah I focused a bit too much on the visuals and atmosphere. Noticed the gameplay wasn't really interesting a bit too late. 

The hold-jump visual only showed up when you were on the ground, while you could still hold jump mid-air to prepare for the next jump, which annoyed me a bit.

Other than that, fun and challenging platformer game!

Immersive, realistic and awe inspiring...

I don't know what I'm doing but there are indeed a lot of fish on my screen

A bit more variation could've been nice, but I liked the overall style and concept of the game.

The visuals are nice

Fun & simple, I got to 2:32.
I like how the octopus and the fish move completely differently, kinda makes the octopus feel way more powerful tho.

I think the next step would be adding audio. 

The winner of the game jam will get a fish trophy with their name drawn by PossiblyAxolotl. It will be sent in the end of voting email.

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Paars is een coolere kleur

Sicke game,,.. Sick

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