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A member registered Mar 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh thanks, that’s very cool!

Thank you for the elaborate reply!

I actually made a Lasers & Feelings hack in the past, it was a great start for me to try writing a game and to indie ttrpgs in general. I see now that it would be nearly impossible cataloging every emerging system. Perhaps what I seek is more of a comprehensive blog post about dev beginner-friendly systems and their functions. Maybe I’ll even write one myself someday.

Thank you for the insight regarding this forum. It makes much more sense for me now. I was genuinely suprised when I realized there was no dedicated subreddit (merging r/itchio and /r/RPGdesign/) for this. I’ll just continue posting in here if something comes up. Thank you for being a moderator!

(1 edit)

I thought about 1-4 pages because I personally won’t be able to work on anything bigger in the foreseeable future. 14 pages would still fall in the category I meant. I think by ‘small’ I mean rules-lite really. Doesnt have to be one-shots though the stuff I intend to make will likely go in that direction. I specifically came here because I was searching new games for a one-shot table.


I hope it is okay to post this here, but I have a few questions.

I’m just beginning to design very small ttrpgs and taking part in a game jam. Is there any ressource that lists the different system suitable for small games with an explanation? I keep seing frameworks like PbtA, FitD, 24xx, osr and a few I know. But others I never heard of and it’s kinda hard to comprehend.

On another note, these boards seem really quiet since 2019/2020. Did anything happen in the community or did discussions maybe shift to another platform I am not aware of?

Thanks in advance


I like the style, looks pretty cool!