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(1 edit)

Hi, I have now played and tested your game, and I created a video with some feedback. 

The game concept and core loop is super nice, and it really works, and I have to say that I enjoyed it. 

There is currently to many small things, bugs and gameplay balancing issues, for it to be working well. I would maybe reduce some of the things that I have to do in the first couple of levels, as it starts out with "everything" enabled, and core is fun as it is, so if I were you, I would focus on what you have and make that super nice. 

What I liked about the game: 

  • The core loop is super nice, and it reminds me of the old days where I would play "Roborally" with my friends, planning ahead and see the consequences. 
  • As soon as I understood the planning, it was really working. 
  • The mana and health was a nice touch and it made the puzzles a bit more "complex" without really showing anything (nice supporting loop)

What I would improve on the game

  • The most important thing I would improve would be a small introduction, fewer elements to interact with in a first level, just to help me understand the game. 
  • It was quite overwhelming with everything exposed all at once. 
  • A thing I forgot to mention in the video, was that in the UI when hovering, two pieces of interface that belong together, are updated seperately, this is normally considered bad UI. You can look up Gestalts law of proximity. In essence, it means that the closer objects are to each other, the more we percieve them to belong together.
  • With that in mind, I would also make sure that the "planning tools" and the "plan" UI elements are close together. 

All in all, this game is really nice, and I would definately recommend that you keep working on it, it have great potential! 

Thank you so much for testing my game Infinito Projects It was really helpful ;)

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much for your feedback and gameplay video! Your comments have made my day.

I’ll implement several changes for version 0.05d based on your suggestions. I'll make the dungeon floors smaller and hide elements until they are necessary to create a better learning curve.

I noticed you didn’t use the keyboard shortcuts to add actions. This feature was added in version 0.04d, but I’ll address it in the tutorial.

I also understand your point about the overwhelming information. For the first dungeon, I’ll create a smaller 7x7 area and use empty space to explain dungeon and UI elements.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback. It has given me great ideas to enhance the game!

Absolutely no problem. And thank you again for playing and testing my game as well ;)