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(10 edits) (+2)(-30)

Wait, so the "unreleased super nintendo game" wasn't part of the "found game" lore? That is to say, the idea of Basilisk being a game that was started and then not released isn't a part of the backstory they made up for Basilisk 2000?

I'm so confused. I thought the core concept of Basilisk 2000 is a haunted rom of an unfinished game that we, the players, are picking through to get spooped by the ghost or whatever. I thought the text description of the game on this site was ARG-style backstory. 

I guess you're telling me it's meant to be literal? Basilisk 2000 is sincerely meant to be a "spiritual successor" to a game that never came out in the first place? What does that even mean?

Edit: No, wait. Now that I've read the description of the original Basilisk, I can see that it actually is what I thought the description of Basilisk 2000 was saying it was. I think the real problem is just that it says "snes" in the description. It's a red herring, and it's not supersceded by anything later on the page.

Granted, I read the description wrongly. That much is clear. But even re-reading it now, it comes across as really vague. It's not always clear whether the phrase "the game" refers Basilisk or Basilisk 2000. I came along (and hadn't previously heard of either game) and thought Basilisk 2000 was purporting itself to be a Unity wrapper for Basilisk.

It's just a big linguistic mess of a description. There's two real games about two fake games, and they drop a phrase like "the game," apparently trying to compare the new real game to the old real game couched in a framing device of describing how the new fake game relates to the old fake game??? and now I've gone cross-eyed.


Lil dude is over here talking to walls lol.


I dont really know if your compensating for something or your just bored but its clear you have to much time on your hands and it's a 2 dollar game get over it you're over 30 years old Christ