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yeah there's not much to it now sorry. I originally wanted to make a clicker game or something , but I thought wouldn't be funny if I just made a joke game? So i did, hoping someone would get bamboozled.  I saw your profile and you make indie horror game playthrough kind of youtube videos. I don't know if you were trying to do a playthrough of my game, but I like to think you were because you thought the game was more than what it actually was. I'm honestly impressed that someone had the attensionspan and time to get to 1000. Thanks for checking out my game though! I'll probably update it to make it either into a clicker game or an actuall horror game.


Whelp. I'll keep an eye on your future stuff, including updates to that space bar/clicker game.

You did a sight lot better than I could of done, atleast you made something yo! Also thanks for having a gander at my own youtube-esque stuff. I was gonna do a vidya on it cause I didn't know what to expect but gave it a brief play first and was like "Oh. Well, we'll see what happens." But i dunno, if you make something of it, I'll deffo make a vidya. Although I don't expect it'll get too much recognition from my paltry channel. always have the option of making it something similar to er.. Getting Over it? Ya know, that its a needless pursuit to the end and throw stuff in along the way? I dunno.