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[Writer] Experienced playwright/writer looking to join a project

A topic by y2kMarc created 13 days ago Views: 174 Replies: 5
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Hi folks,

I'm a London-based writer, with a formal education in drama, and have written for a handfull of small theatres.

I've grown increasingly interested in finding myself writing for video games, and would love to get some experience under my belt writing for this form. 

I've been a writer in a professional capacity for the last two years, but a hobbyist for most my life. I'm incredibly comfortable writing for abstract & complex settings, with immersive world-building being my primary focus in my previous work. Most of my writing is surreal, and dreamlike, but I'm no stranger to more grounded and dialogue-heavy work, and consider myself a flexible and adaptble writer.

I am more than happy to join an already existing project, or help develop some fresh ideas with a new team - or do something in between!

Some video games that have really inspired my writing are: Disco Elysium, Death Stranding, and Kentucky Route Zero.

Looking forward to you guys reaching out.


I could use a writer. Do you have discord? Also, is this paid, or unpaid?

Hey! I've got the same handle on discord, y2kMarc. I'm happy to do unpaid work but purely on dependent on the scale of the project.

Thanks for reaching out!

Oh. Sorry for not responding sooner. I'm currently talking to someone, so I might be a few more minutes.

Hey, I’ve gotten started on a big project myself but I could use another pair of eyes to (if interested) help with scene writing and worldbuilding. I’ve found a few folks interested in helping with scene writing as well so it’s a very low commitment, passion project as I’m just getting into game dev!

(1 edit)

Hey Revcor! That sounds up my alley, send me a DM over discord @ y2kMarc :)