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Adam Dixon

A member registered Jan 29, 2014 · View creator page →

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Hi, sorry for the delay. We've created an updated file for the core playkit that should be a little smaller. I've uploaded it as an additional file.

Hi, sorry for the delay. We've created an updated file for the core playkit that should be a little smaller. I've uploaded it as an additional file.

That's lovely to hear! I hope you're enjoying it.

We're hoping to release some updates to the playkit soon (maybe just after the Indiegogo campaign). There are a few tweaks we've made since we released it that I'd love to share with people (bonds and wear are the big ones).

Yeah, this is a good place to ask!

As you guessed, hold is a fairly standard PbtA thing that we forgot to clarify in the playkit (it'll definitely be in the final rules/future playkits).

Hold works the same as any other effect triggered by a move (for example pick 2), however the main difference is that hold doesn't have to be spend immediately.

For example, the read a person move lets you hold 1 or 3, which you can spend to ask questions from a list. You could spend all of that hold immediately to ask those questions, or spend them as you work your way through a conversation.

I tend to imagine it as having a stack of tokens that I can spend to trigger the effects of a move when it makes sense to.

An important note is that you can only spend hold on the move it was gained from (unless otherwise specified). And hold only applies to that particular use of the move - if I used read a person on Sparrow, I couldn't spend hold to read a different person (I'd have to roll again). It can be useful to note it down sometimes, if you're not using it all right away.

Hope this all makes sense!

Thank you! I probably agree - one of the nice things about designing for Blades is that the basics are really covered with the regular playbooks, so it felt like I could focus on thematic moves and let the player work out how to fill in the gaps! I partly designed this as a break from some more nuanced design work on my main project, so I deliberately didn't really hold back on what went in.

Adding this as much as a note for people who try out the playbook and because your comment got me thinking! I think there are a couple of niches where the Skeleton really shines. The first is as an information gatherer with moves like Bone Meal and Skeletons, Plural - you start with a decent prowl and it's easy to lean into that, probably focusing on the dark shadows of Doskvol perhaps with some lurk or slide moves. Read the Bones and Danse Macabre work really well paired with some whisper moves, to create an uncanny, skeletal magician. Lastly, you can of course go full nightmare with moves like Sentient OssuaryThe Devil's BackboneBehind the Mask and then Sticks and Stones to resist harm - I think adding some Cutter into this too would be terrifying.


Tell stories of an autumnal, decaying world ruled by the enormous god husks that shape its landscapes.

I just released the first playtest of Ryne, a Powered by the Apocalypse game set in a world of strange colossi, shifting landscapes and untied spirits. It's designed to tell stories of a world bigger than humanity, tapping into the emotions of your characters and the landscape.

Some key bits are:

  • It uses emotions for stats, like The Veil, with moves designed to link you characters to the landscape.
  • The spiritual is material. Different rolebooks have different ways of interacting with the web of spirit, and if you die you can play as a ghost.
  • The landscape is at the heart of the stories you tell, with moves and agendas to help you design and influence strange territories.

It's currently in playtesting and will be updated frequently. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you read or play.  We're also using the system on the actual play podcast These Flimsy Rituals, if you want to get a feel for how it runs.

Currently thinking a lot about how we record and preserve LARP - both rules as well as stories that arise from play. 

It's a little bit of a selfish question - currently working out a way to record a LARP I ran with others at an event  (currently thinking a big book with rules, interviews, fiction) - but generally really interested in how we can preserve play that can often leave little trace or impact beyond the players (especially more experimental one shot stuff). 

Any interesting ways you've seen play recorded & shared?

Into the Flames is a storygame I released last year specifically designed to be played around a campfire. It involves searching and ascribing meaning to found objects, burning things in the fire and pretending to be a ghost at the edge of the light.

It is designed to tell the story of an accursed pilgrimage. We tell the story of our pilgrims - the perils and struggles they face on the road. Each night we offer trinkets to the flames, that represent a part of our character, and hope that the greedy ghosts that follow us don't claim us into their ranks.

The rules have guidance around playing in different settings if you don't have access to a campfire.

Hi, nice to meet you all! I'm Adam. (he/him)

I design a bunch of different kinds of games, but roleplaying games are my thing. I tend to make weirder games - RPGs designed to be played round campfires, game poems, LARPS about post-apocalyptic business cargo cults. I have a few projects on my itch page (though really should get round to adding more). 

I also host the actual play podcast These Flimsy Rituals. And  I'm part of a collective called Furtive Shambles who put on events playing small physical games in places that suit them (the forest at night, the beach, on a walk etc)

Interested to see how this space grows. Hopefully it becomes a nice place to talk about and share design ideas & games.

Others have touched on it but it feels like a lot of what's nice about tabletop games on itch, v other spaces is the amount of experimental/weird/short games (for want of a better term). A place on here to share, find and talk about those sorts of games would be fantastic.