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Themed Horror Game Jam #17

A topic by Beregon created 93 days ago Views: 175 Replies: 2
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Themed Horror Game Jam #17

29th of March - 7th of May

Are you just starting out with game development or are you already an experienced game developer? Do you want to create a horror game? Are you looking for a game jam to motivate you to finally finish something? Are you willing to follow a certain theme, in order to find inspiration and maybe try something else you wouldn't normally consider? Whether you plan to make a serious, dark horror masterpiece or a B-movie style game about typical horror movie protagonists going into spooky places where no sane man would ever dare to tread, this game jam is for you! Hopefully, at the end of the game jam you will have something playable you can be proud of!

*Theme and bonus challenges will be revealed near the start of the game jam.*

Here's the link to the game jam!

*The game jam has started and the Theme and Bonus Challenges have been revealed!*

Theme: Eldritch Abomination

Bonus Challenges: Unlike the Theme, these are entirely optional. Feel free to do one, two, all of them or ignore them completely.

The optional challenges for this game jam will be revealed near the start of the game jam together with the Theme.

1 - The Cult: The story of the game involves some kind of cult.

2 - Reveal The Mystery: The mechanics of the game are focused on investigation, such as being required to use hints found from clues and documents to proceed etc.

3 - You Cannot Comprehend: The game features an enemy that causes some kind of negative effect to the player character or drains some kind of resource from them (such as health or willpower) if they keep looking at it.

The submission period of this game jam has ended. Feel free to check out the submitted games, rate them and provide feedback to the developers: Link To The Game Jam