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Game jam not showing up

A topic by Goose created Jan 26, 2024 Views: 283 Replies: 6
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(2 edits)

I created a game jam a few days ago, but It isn't showing up anywhere.

I ticked the published box when creating it, but when I look in the jam's hosted page, it isn't there.

It is in my personal jams dashboard, but it has no views at all and I can't find it outside of my jam's dashboard page.

Can anyone help me troubleshoot?


Yes, as explained in lots and lots of topics, jams don't automatically appear in the calendar. They must first be seen by staff, and approved. Not all of them are approved. Please wait.

Does this also stop it from showing up in my "hosted jams" page? I'm not concerned about the calender, I just don't know why I can't it there.


I don't know. It might, if your jam wasn't approved yet. Please wait.


how long does it take to approved it? i'm concerned about the one im hosting because its a longer game jam... from june 28th to november 5th :"u


I don't know, it depends. But even if it's not in the calendar, once you publish the jam page it should be live and fully functional. That doesn't look right. You should probably double-check your settings and contact support if all else fails.


did your thing ever get added to the calendar Goose? Facing the same issue, I did create the game jam a couple months ago now as well