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A member registered Feb 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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5$ bet, auto, and watch the money grow! If only real casinos had this kind of payout. Good job on this relaxing game!

One small critique is if you can adjust the HTML window to be the correct size. It doesn’t seem like it’s set to the proper size and there is some black showing on the game window.

This is funny and charming!

Had a great time getting perfect match and no match. My only critique is that a third date would’ve been perfect.

Great work on this!

Since they extended the rating period, I was able to play through your game. Left a comment on your page!

The presentation was fantastic and it had some nice charm to it!

I went into it blind so I was getting ready for a solo battle royale lol!

The models were a bit plain, but they were all clean and looked very professional. Great job on this!

Since they extended the rating period, I was able to play through your game. Left a comment on your page!

This was cozy to play through!

The level design was fun and the controls were smooth and responsive. I would’ve liked some additional aspects to the blades up mode, maybe the ability to glide on water or something.

Overall, a really solid entry that I enjoyed playing!


Fun platforming and phase mechanic!

I like the design of the character and the movement animations. My main gripe with the game is the lack of checkpoints. They are a must-have in platformers, especially challenging ones.

In any case, great work!

Thanks for checking the game out! Unfortunately I currently only have access to a Macbook and Android device, so I’m unable to try your game out. Let me know if you get a Mac build and I will definitely try it out!

Thanks for checking the game out! Unfortunately I currently only have access to a Macbook and Android device, so I’m unable to try your game out. Let me know if you get a Mac build and I will definitely try it out!



Hey everyone, just wanted to add a disclaimer that I’ll be going on vacation and will only have access to an Android device and an old MacBook starting tomorrow. So, I apologize in advance if I’m unable to play someone’s game due to these limitations. Thanks!

As of this post, I’ve reviewed everyone who has reviewed my game.

I liked the design of the character and the bosses!

The gameplay needed some feedback on player actions via sound effects and some visual effects. I found the game pretty challenging and it would be nice if the bosses had a bit of a warning before they did their attacks.

Overall though, good job!

(1 edit)

Hey everyone, just wanted to add a disclaimer that I’ll be going on vacation and will only have access to an android device and an old MacBook starting tomorrow. So, I apologize in advance if I’m unable to play someone’s game due to these limitations. Thanks!

As of this post, I’ve reviewed everyone who has reviewed my game.

Yea, that’s a quality of life feature I meant to implement. I think I’ll add the ability to de-select a special card post jam. Thanks for playing and your feedback!

Yea, I think more complex special cards would add that depth. Thanks for playing!



Yea, I definitely want to put some more complex card effects in!

I’ll make sure the artist sees this, thanks!

Agreed, definitely need more depth!


I’m also a Goblin Goon aficionado!

I definitely need to add some more complexity to the game, thanks!

Awesome aesthetic on this!

The art was absolutely top notch and the gameplay was solid as well. I primarily used the ranged attack, as I felt it was better. I think the melee needs to deal a bit more damage to make it worthwhile. In addition, the game was a bit jittery when playing it, like it was struggling to chug along for some reason.

Overall though, great entry!

Really awesome aesthetic!

Art direction and character design were great. The jumping mechanics I feel got in the way of the charm of the game, but overall I enjoyed exploring your world!

Great job!

Cool old-school Mario kart style!

The controls of the kart were pretty solid and the characters were charming and funny. I like that you had racer AI, but I wish you added some more rivals in a race. It felt a little empty with just one.

Overall, great work!

I really enjoy the rock, paper, scissors mechanic of the game!

The graphics are really clean and while the ships are simple shapes, it works well within the game. I did have the green laser ships shooting through one of the white boxes that I assumed was supposed to be cover. Not sure if that was intended or not.

Besides that, great work!

Short and sweet game!

The three modes were cool although I do think the frog and monkey were more useful than the cat. The music was calming and the art (especially the cutscene art) was great.

Overall, great work on this!

Really solid game!

The art, music, and gameplay were all fun and well implemented. As others said, full-screen mode would be helpful to see all the text and graphics. I did get stuck on one of the levels. I wasn’t able to do a 3rd action, but I thought I was supposed to be able to do an action and it would de-select an older one.

In any case, great work on this!

A unique take on the theme and the narrative!

While the gameplay is fairly simple, it combines well with the story and adds some intensity with the passing attendant and the nosy passenger. The art and music add to the mood and the text convos are fun.

It was fun enough to play through twice, although I got divorced both times haha!

Great work on this, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Agreed, I definitely want to add more complexity to the game. I had some tasks set up to add options for pitching/bat stance and some more in-depth special cards, but ran out of time and chose to focus on polish and stability for the game.

Thanks for checking the game out!

Siberiano did a great job with the goblins, Thanks for playing!

Yea, I agree, I’d love to add some more complexity to the game. Also great suggestion with the stat indicator! It’d be nice to have a little percentage chance of getting on base. That way you can decide if it’s a good idea to use a special card or not. Thanks for the feedback!

Awesome title art and great aesthetic throughout the game!

The interpretation of the theme was a good combination of clever and goofy, and I enjoyed reading through both endings. I liked the 3d models and aesthetics, especially the effects of King Cream crumbling.

The controls were solid, but I feel the enemies were too hard to take out. The only way I was able to beat the game was by cheesing at the entrance of each area and sniping them from far away. I’d recommend only having one enemy at the first area, so players can get used to taking one out.

Overall, great effort on this!

This game is insanely good, I would 100% buy this game on Steam or Switch if you add some additional levels!

The art and gameplay are both amazing. The modes give a perfect amount of variety and the puzzles were just the right amount of difficulty. The music was great, polish was amazing. Seriously, the only critique I have is that I wish I could make the game full-screen.

Overall amazing work on this, 5s across the board from me!

Man, this is an amazing entry. Deserves 5s across the board!

I’m usually hesitant when I see a platformer in a game jam, but yours blew me away. This felt like an entire experience. I loved the mode switch mechanic and how it affected characters and the environment. I also loved the staff mechanic. It gave multiple ways to tackle obstacles. I found it the perfect amount of challenge. I died a lot, but rarely felt it was due to controls. My only critique would be that the wall jump felt a bit sticky sometimes, but I always have problems with wall jumps, to be fair.

The polish was outstanding for art, gameplay, music, and sound effects. Your team should be proud of what you produced.

Top notch game and awesome effort!


The art, presentation, and gameplay were very polished!

Also, a funny interpretation of the theme. While gameplay was fairly simple, it was implemented well. My only real gripe would be to add some kind of shadow to show when the spoon is over the conveyor belt. Being a 2d game, it can be hard to tell when you have enough depth to drop ice cream onto the food. Also, it’d be cool if the score was listed on the game over screen.

Overall, really nice art with great gameplay lead to a very polished experience. Great job!

Awesome art and gameplay!

I’m a big Vampire Survivors fan and tend to love most games inspired by it. I like the old-school FPS perspective and graphics. The game play is fun and I like switching the cards every minute, especially because you can choose when you want each card to go off. The radar was a great addition because I was struggling with getting hit as I kept backing up, but using the radar helped alleviate a lot of that. Music and sound effects were both cool as well!

The only thing I would’ve liked is a little stats screen after you finish a run, to see your level, monsters defeated, and other stats like that.

Overall, really fun entry, thanks for making it! I think I’ll keep this one installed on my app haha.