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A member registered Feb 14, 2014 · View creator page →

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Thanks! I'll email you soon!

Happy I found this! I've been looking for work by Dungeon Crawl Software, didn't think till now to look on itch for Redspark. I would love to chat about your career if you have the time.

Enjoyed that a lot

Elegantly simple

Somehow missed that Donair Academy was on this edition! Just ordered a physical copy :-)

Very cute!

Find the game on Steam:

Important things in life are often complicated and messy.

Wow lots of progress! Keep up the good work!

Great to see the game online! I'll have to try out the Archipelago mode when I have time to figure out how it works.


Pleasant little game

That was beautiful

Really liked that, FF4 is one of my favorite games, appreciated the inspirations. Great humor.

(1 edit)

Just played this in the Zium Gallery, wasn't expecting it to hit as hard as it did, thank you

Really enjoy the concept of this. One suggestion i'd make is i'd like an option to let the stories auto scroll instead of having to click every little bit.


oh very cool! I'll have to check out your channel

(1 edit)

You're welcome! I also do not like big sudden jump scares, i like slow burn creepy stuff. If you have any game suggestions for the list please let me know!

Oh its public, i usually link to it around Halloween. Here you go

This was so good! Added to my jump scare free game list

thanks man

If I may, no horror game list is complete without:

Yeah, same here. I'm on a Windows 10 laptop. 

So cute, and nice there's no gore or jump scares. Evil spirits bring your pumpkin down to zero feels too harsh. Love the little pumpkin dude.

That was wild, great job!

Mercenary Maiden has such a creepy ending!

Thanks for the comments everyone! I've uploaded an corrected version that swaps the player 1/2 controls back to what they are supposed to be!

Ha! looks great, especially the bits from my game ;-)

Looks amazing!

Looks amazing! Could use a better way to explain controls before the game starts though.

Freaky! Great entry!

Like the incremental climber mechanic. Ice climber was one of my favorite nes games, nice to see it getting some love. Should of ended after 30 seconds though.

love the music! Simple but effecitve. Super Effective.

Looks great. Wasn't sure how to use the gears but then again I don't drive cars haha

love the stop motion use of action figures!

Will no one help end their perpetual torment?

Also, looks awesome!

Sorry to hear that Samaflange, There is a seperate Windows 8 compiler but I don't have W8 avalible to use it on.