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A member registered Jan 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Great game. One thing I have is that the jump is very short and it makes it hard to jump over enemies. Also I feel like the Dino and the floor don’t match. Other then that great game

Thank you. I will say that I only had 5 days because my partner bailed on me. Plus I didn’t have time to fix the sound and for some reson it came out weird even though It was fine earlier. The only way I could get it to fit the theme was to make it so the dimond keeps the world stable but if it breaks it becomes unstable and the floor collapses.

I don’t have discord. Maybe email

Can you do mine. It is called Gem Mysteries. It’s supposed to have no end and no music and no start screen because the player and you don’t know what’s going on

I only have one complaint. I don’t like how the music reapeats every time you die

What is this?

Check your spam folder. I just Emailed you

Alright how should we chat because I don’t have discord

Unfrotunaly no. Maybe like the other guy we can use google chat.

I;lol tell you mine first. It’s

Great. Only downside is I don’t have discord. Send me your email so we can communicate

I might actually be able to discord you

Mine is

Great. I don’t have discord so maybe we can use Email. I promise I’m not a scammer but what’s your email so I can send you my pixel art and you can send me your music

Same. I am a pixel art creator and would love to help

Sure. I can help

Hi. I am Elijah and I’m decently experienced in coding and really good in art. Can we team up

May Ipls join your team. If it’s alright I can work on pixel art and coding

Hi. I am a great pixel art creator and would love to team up

Same. I can work on art and the code

Hi. I am a great pixel artist and would be glad to help

I am a great pixel artist and would be glad to help out.

I. Hi am Elijah and I am a awsome pixel art creator but I just started using Gdevelop and need someone to do the code. I have one person waiting so if you want to team with me reply me and I will choose who I want (that sounded rude so sorry.)

Hi. I would love to team up. I can work on the pixel art and you can work on code. Reply if this sounds good or you think we should do somthing else.

You may use any thing like unity or even scrach

have fun