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A member registered Mar 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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GIMP - an old favorite of mine


Audacity - good program for sound.

Stepping Stone Jack

Nice idea for a game. Cool!

Looks great! I loved the firework-like effect.

Good work! This looks like a pleasantly funky game, with great particle effects.

Congrats on the release! I like the amount of polish on the graphics.

Excellent game! I really like the art style.

Looks like a really fun game!!

I see. If you can't find someone to agree to work that way (Scrum), and don't want to pay by the hour (which has its positives and negatives), you might also be able to negotiate based on each overall asset.

Even asset prices can differ, though. While a tree sprite might cost $10 or less, a fully animated 2D main character could reach $30-$50+. Factor in a bit more than that if we're talking 3D, especially if the animations that are needed are complex.

Looks good. I like the day/night cycle.

I feel it honestly depends a lot on experience of the candidate(s) chosen. Need someone with a college degree? That may cost more.

You might be able to get a startup for little more than $10-$15 an hour. But to hire a seasoned artist/musician with industry experience, could very well run $35-$50+ an hour.

If you can only offer a lower price... it may also provide incentive if they can do the work from the comfort of their own home.

Lastly, for small jobs, you might also look at something like Fiverr, and browse the really high-rated artists/musicians with impressive portfolios.

Just some food for thought / tips.

Looks really good. Great work!!

I played this game and it was fun and a bit difficult. I very much like it, and it reminds me of the old NES games I used to play. I like the jump mechanic especially, and the fact it has you try to get a good time. So I thought I would post about it here.

Sounds like a very heartwarming game. I really like the visuals as well.

Looks good. Nice work!

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Excellent looking pack. It comes off as unsettling/spooky as intended.

1. Loopable tracks. Plenty of game songs out there take one on an emotional journey. But some just aren't "game ready" and fit for certain games.

2. Number of tracks, since some games require shorter music tracks. For example, if a level is 2 minutes long, it may be a waste to use an 8 minute music track.

3. I'd rather pay for a higher quality.

4. Yes. For sure.

5. There are a lot of places to look. is just one of them.

Nice. It's generous of you to include so much for free in the pack, as well. Good luck with your release!

Amazing 3D art. Congrats on the release.

Looks really fun!

Looks pretty cool. What program or language did you use (if you dont mind me asking)?

Really cool work! I like stuff like this.

Sounds cool. I like the choice of pictures.

Looks cool. Congrats on the release!

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If you like 2.5D platformers:

Stepping Stone Jack: Director's Cut by TheMetalCarrotDev (

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Cool. I like the graphics! Congrats on the release.

Fun game. Good work.

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I listen to a lot of cover songs and relatively unknown singers.

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Cool. Looks innovative.

Looks cool. Congrats on the release!

Fun game! Great for retro game lovers.

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Looks cool and ambitious. Good job on adding online multiplayer - it can be no easy task.

Cool game with a funky feel. I love the music especially.

Same. I love space horror.

I sometimes follow based on a game they made and how communicative they are about it.

Interesting concept. I'd like to see where this goes. Is it possible to win the first level?

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This is an awesome game. I love the style of it.